Platonic Yandere! bear shifter × Child! GN reader

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Hey guys, so I'm back. But I'm still unsure when I'll start frequently posting new updates, I'm not going to lie to y'all. I've really hit rock bottom because of losing my cat, but I'm doing my best. So, I came with a proposition, would you guys like me to make a second book, finish this book now and make a second purely for Part 2s and new updates, or would you like me to continue with this one?

Secondly, to the people who commented on my last chapter, thank you, you've helped pull me out of my darkness place, I truly can't thank you enough. And I hope all of you had a Merry Christmas!! And Happy New Year you filthy animals (If you know you know)

Now, Ik this isn't my normal writing. But I wanted to try something new, if you wanna see more of this, vote or feel free to comment!!

Now, onto the story.


Tw: Abuse, mental/Verbal. Slight physical!! If you don't like it, you can skip to the part where it says “ Tw: ends here! ”

You currently stand in a large forest! Well, large for a seven year old like yourself, you huffed finally sitting down after hiking for about two hours, your parents, if you can even call them that, were setting up, you're an only child, and that's because your parents didn't want you, how do you know? They don't mind constantly reminding you of that.

“ (Y/N!) Get over here!! ” your father yelled and you flinched, he sounded angry for some reason, then you remembered, you forgot to pack the sunscreen and mosquito repellent! Your father is allergic to Mosquitoes!! You still don't understand why YOU were tasked to pack those two things.

It's not like YOU were the parent, who should very well be taking care of the child you brought along into this world, you gulped before you slowly approached the two, “ You forgot to pack something ” your father growled out, “ I- I'm sorry, G- Grandma called and I forgot- ” you flinched.

Your father raised his hand, “ I do not care! You were in charge of packing only TWO small items! ” he snarled at you, “ It's as if YOU couldn't handle it!! You're the adult!! ” you snapped, not thinking of the consequences, “ Oh, so you want to snap at me?! ” Your father practically roared, “ You get to hike to the station AND back, by yourself! ” your father ordered.

“ NO WAY! I'M NOT DOING THAT!! ” you cried out, the station was about two miles, and it'd be dark out soon, “ You'll either do that, OR! you'll do twenty laps around the lake! ” your father snapped, you froze, why was he doing this? It's not like his allergies were that bad!! You huffed before going to grab your flashlight, it was no use to try to beg your mom for help.

She was already snapping thousands of photos of herself for her “ Blog ” you grabbed your flashlight, “ you better hope I don't get hurt out there dad, I wouldn't want that on my conscious! ” you yelled, “ Oh I'm fucking counting on it!! ” he yelled back at you.

**Tw: ends here!**

You are only halfway into your first mile when you suddenly hear something snap behind you as the sun is almost down, “ H- Hello? ” you whimper, *Snap* “ D- Dad? I- is that you? ” you whisper terrified, *SNap*  you start to tremble, the snapping of twigs was getting closer! You start to pick up the pace.

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