Yan Mafia boss × Chubby Gen neu! reader

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Hey guys, so, I've currently not been okay mentally, so that has really put a damper on my writing skills, so if this isn't as good as normally. I'm sorry. And yes I'm doing another Mafia story.

Tw: Violence, mention of blood


I had just gotten home a bit early only to see a tall man interrogating my parents, making me freeze in fear. I didn't notice the other man until I was grabbed and tied up and gagged when the boss suddenly spoke. What he said made me start to hyperventilate, " Take them to the car ", with an anxiety attack close to happening the other dragged me to a SUV, He suddenly threw me in and closed the door standing outside of it making me back towards the wall trembling as I couldn't escape through this side.

All of the sudden the boss appeared and the man opened the door allowing him to hop in next to them, they tried to scoot away as two other men hopped in and started driving off and away from my house. I started sobbing harder, unable to speak to anyone, suddenly flinching, feeling a hand on my cheek trying to calm me down, he suddenly slipped the gag out and I started asking him the questions in my mind.

'' Who are you?! What do you want from my family?! Why did you take me?!?! '' I ask and he gently puts his hand over my mouth, '' I'm Victor, a mafia boss, I need your uncle to come to me as he owes me money. And you're kind of the bait. '' he explained removing his hand but putting the gag back in my mouth, he then blind folded me and had me lay against him fixing my hair so he could play with it.

I hated to admit it but it was calming me down as playing with my hair always does as it lulled me to sleep against him, when I woke up I was tied to a chair in a warehouse making me struggle only to stop when hurried footsteps raced towards me. '' Honey! '' my uncle said now in front of me and I felt the ropes loosen as I sighed with relief, only to feel fear again hearing a grunt and the sound of a punch as someone suddenly untied me and took me back to the SUV.

I was tied up again and laying in the seat now as it had felt like it had been days as people brought me all courses for food and to go to the bathroom, Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, it was always the boss who fed me, but she finally heard footsteps approaching, the door opened again and someone helped me to sit up and untied the blindfold.

What I saw made a muffled scream escape me, blood and so much covering the drivers, I then started fighting against the ropes quickly but the boss suddenly grabbed me and pulled me against him as ragged breaths escaped me and hot tears rolled from my face.

He started playing with my hair again rather gently, causing me to calm down only a tiny bit until they reached a pizza place, another clean man ran in and grabbed a few pizza's and the boss took the gag out '' P-Please. Let me go, you've gotten your revenge '' I said. He simply shook his head grabbing two of the boxes, one went to the now clean drivers and the other to us, he opened the box and grabbed a slice pointing it to me so I could eat. I was about to reject it when my stomach roared at me for the food.

'' Can you please untie my hands? '' I asked him and he shook his head to me and held the food to my mouth, so I ate it silently then ate one more piece before becoming full and leaning against the window silently. After a while of looking out the window we arrived at an airport parking near a private jet, everyone got out and the boss carried me into the plane and buckled me in '' W- Where are you taking me?! '' she asked, trembling. '' Italy '' he replied sitting next to them buckling in himself as they tried fighting against the ropes, he sighed and gently pulled them into his chest playing with her hair to calm her down as he could tell it was her first time flying.

' They're too innocent for this cruel world ' he thought as he played with her hair, feeling her relax as they took off, they later fell asleep against him so he unbuckled them and picked them up. He suddenly stopped. '' Boss, is this someone you really want to rule beside you? They're not exactly tooth and nail '' one of his boys said, he looked at him '' they'll do fine, they aren't going to be any part of our affairs '' he said. He then took them to the bedroom in the plane laying them down and laying down next to her, '' I swear you'll always be safe '' he said to them gently while playing with her hair.

After a while they woke up in another car on his lap as she was still tied up as we pulled up to a mansion type house, causing them to immediately freeze with terror, not knowing what would happen to them after that day.


I'm going to end it here! I hope you enjoyed this, and if you want a part two for this one lmk! Once again, I'm sorry if this wasn't as good as my normal stories!! I hope y'all have a good Day/Evening/Night!

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