Yan! Mafia boss × GN! Chubby reader

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Hello guys!! So this was a request, from downbad4fictionalmen

I personally really like reading these kinds of stories, but unfortunately there aren't a ton of stories that include a Chubby protagonist, so I'm doing it!!

And I'm sorry if you're not chubby, but I really like the idea of a Mafia boss loving on a chubby person.

Here we go!!

Tw: Violence


You had just gotten home from a long day of work, you're a waitress for a new fancy restaurant halfway across town, the owner was supposedly this really rich man.

But, you honestly didn't care as long as he pays well, And he was, so that was a relief. You sighed heavily as you go to sit down on your cheap and crappy couch, when you suddenly hear a scream from upstairs.

You groan with annoyance before going to stand and march upstairs, believing it's just your neighbors watching a scary movie, you go to knock on the door, when you heard another scream, but the hairs on your neck stand up when you realize it's not on the TV, as the door is cracked slightly.

“ How many times do I need to explain it to ya, Marcus! Give me my money and I'll leave you alone! ” a deep voice spoke, “ P- Please Valentino! I promise ya I didn't mean to take that dough!! I'll pay every cent back! ” another man cried out.

“ You sure will. And you wanna know how I know? ” Valentino asked, “ .... H- How? .... ” you couldn't hear what happens next as you're suddenly grabbed and dragged into the next room, “Shhh.... You're damn lucky he didn't see you!! ” a man around your age whispered.

“W- Who is that man?! ” you whispered, utterly terrified, “ You don't know him?! That's Valentino Rossi! One of the most dangerous men in this damn city!! ” the man whisper yelled, before you both flinched hearing the door next door slam shut.

“ Phew... That was too close.... Anyway, what's your name? ” he asked, “ (Y/N), You?” you asked him, “ Devon ” he responded, “ Thank you Devon, I just recently moved here ” you explained, “ That was kinda noticeable, the man who was being.... Interrogated.... Is Marcus. He's known for his gambling habits.... And regularly gets a in home visit from Valentino ” Devon explained.

“ I bet it's hard to get any sleep when there is a man getting.... Interrogated.... Next door ” you whispered, knowing full well that the man next door wasn't being interrogated, “ Yeah, it unfortunately is hard, as I can't do much while it's happening ” he explained, “ Well, come to my room then. We can hang out? ” you suggested.

“ Ah, I know you don't mean it like that. But I have a girlfriend, but. Thank you (Y/N) ” he explained, after a moment to check if the cost was clear you silently made your way out of your room, only to gasp as your upper arm was grabbed harshly and you were slammed into the brick wall.

“ Now, look what we have here! A beauty like you shouldn't be ease dropping on conversations that are ugly ” a man, much taller than you, that smelled of expensive and nice cologne whispered, and he didn't look like the mafia bosses you normally see on TV, No, this man was so handsome, his hair wasn't slicked back, he had gray eyes and stubble.

“ I- I'm sorry, I promise you that I won't tell anyone ” you whisper, and he smiled, “ Don't you worry (P/C/Preferred compliment), I believe you ” he whispered, and backed away, “ I hope to be seeing you around ” he told you before walking off, and you fall to your knees, your whole body trembling at the memory of what he had just done to Marcus.

Tw: Fat shaming, Sexual harassment, and Violence!!

It was the next day and you were at work during closing, silently humming while cleaning a table when you suddenly felt someone grab you by the hips, and you immediately jumped away, “ Aww! Don't be like that!! ” a man that you wanted to do with, Charles, a handsy coworker cooed, and you visibly cringed.

“ Oh! You think you're too good for me?! I bet no one would ever even want to date your fatass anyway ” you immediately backed away, “ Please Charles... Leave me alone ” you whispered, trying to not give him the satisfaction of crying, “ Nah! I'd prefer to tell you exactly what kind of screwed up bitch you are!! ” he yelled, throwing his hand up to smack you when someone grabbed him.

“ If you dare to lay one fucking hand on that gorgeous canvas... I'll kill you ” Valentino whispered, and Charles immediately turned pale, “ I'm sorry Mr. Rossi!! I promise you I won't ever look in their direction again!! ” he sobbed, “ And you're going to quit. Effective immediately. As I know the owner of this establishment. And he hates fucking creeps like you ” Valentino told him and Charles immediately nodded.

“ Get out of here ” Valentino snapped, and Charles immediately ran out, and Valentino quickly turned to make sure you were okay, “ I'm fine Mr. Rossi, you stopped him before he could do too much... ” you whisper, “ Tell me the truth (P/C), or I'll bring him back and squeeze it out of him ” Valentino warned.

“ H- He grabbed my hips, A- and said some things about my weight... ” you whispered, wanting to cry, when you were suddenly pulled into strong arms, and you couldn't help it, you started to bawl like a baby.

You hadn't realized that you had fallen unconscious until you woke up in an unfamiliar bed, that was covered in crimson and black sheets and blankets, you go to stand and walk to the door when the door is suddenly opened.

It was too late to pretend to be asleep, so you take a deep breath as Valentino walks in, “ Oh! You're awake!! Good!! Now I can tell you that you're staying here ” he whispered, “ WHAT?! ” You cried out in shock.


Yup!! Cliffhanger!! And you know that I'm invested in a story when I hit nearly 1k words!! But, yup!! I'll see y'all in Pt 2!!!

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