Yandere Giant × Injured Gender Neu! reader

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Hey guys, so, I have an announcement to make. This may be my final update for awhile, this past week I've unfortunately had to put my inspiration for writing and light of my world down, he was only two about to be three years old. I'm not going into details why, but because of this, I've been severely lacking in the college department, and I need to get some work done soon.

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. Now, onto the story.

There are easter eggs from my other giant story here


Your name is (Y/N) and since you could remember, you've loved exploring, anywhere you could go, you'd be there, you often had the police called on you as you would get lost in the rather large forest in your backyard.

Well, today was no different, you're currently exploring in your forest, and climbing up a large, hollowed tree that rests above a cave, how you got up there? You, honestly have no idea, one minute you're exploring and trying to remember the way home, the next, you're up on this log?

Your memory is really fuzzy, and you're trying to remember what happened, and the memory loss isn't the only terrifying thing, the collapsed tree , that you apparently decided to climb onto is breaking underneath your weight, you gulp, slowly trying to climb down.

When suddenly, you're free falling, you tripped! You're approaching the cave floor fast!! You gasp and managed to grab a vine that was attached to the tree and slow your fall, only for a moment, as a second later the vine snapped and you landed feet first onto a cave floor.

You collapsed and the last thing you remember is a splitting headache, when you came to, you were laying in that cave still, but, it was bright outside of it? It was early December with light snow before, you groan and go to sit up, but gasp as you notice your left leg, the ankle is red and swollen.

You slowly go to poke it, and wince heavily, yup, broken like a twig, you wince before falling onto your back, “ I need to figure a way out of here ” you whisper before going to stand, careful to keep your weight off your leg, and you slowly, at the pace of a snail, hobble towards the entrance.

What you find at the entrance shocks you, what used to be a large green forest, is now a large green field, with tiny trees growing here and there, you slowly limp forward, only to fall onto your butt as the earth trembles, an earthquake?! You assume and look out, only to immediately hide again.

About twenty feet from you, is what looks to be a 30 ft tall man, he's dressed in a large animal hyde and he looks battle ready, a large battle axe resting on the ground, and more giants slowly come to join him, the scary thing is, he's not the tallest out of the bunch, one stands to be about 50 ft tall, he wears a crown and has a golden cage attached to his hip.

You gulp, trembling as you watch them start to settle down for the night, and wait for them to put up tents for the night before slowly approaching, your heart pounding in your chest, you knew that you saw a human in that golden cage the one wearing the crown had, you managed to get close enough to listen.

“ King Titus, why must we go and collect more humans? We should have plenty at home ” the one from earlier asked the king, “ Because Cain, I love these little humans, and I will have as many as my heart desires, besides. It is not as if they can fight back. ” the king replied.

You instantly start backing up, gulping, the king wanted nothing more than to take as many humans as trophies as possible? Not today, and absolutely not you!! You noticed the battle harden giant standing and approaching where you were retreating, ‘ Did he see me?! ’ you thought with dispair, your heart racing.

But, if he saw you. He didn't acknowledge you, you gulp with relief before you slowly limp back towards the cave, you had too much giants for one day! You later wake up, in the cave, freezing cold, but the cold isn't what woke you up, no, it was the fact that the ground was rumbling, and getting close to your cave, you gasp and immediately go to hide deeper, and behind a rock.

“ Come out. Little human, I saw you last night, among our tents. You're injured ” a deep voice called out to you, and you gulped in terror, it was the battle scarred man, Cain! You immediately covered your mouth, trembling in terror, before letting out a small shriek as he punched a hole into the roof of the cave, ‘Oh, that's how that hole got there ’ you thought, absolutely terrified out of your mind.

You suddenly scream as a large hand wraps around your waist and effortlessly lifts you up, and out of your safety zone, you're then lifted up to a scarred face, and you both stare into each others eyes for a long monent, “ ..... I get it now ” he whispers.

“ G- Get what? ” you asked with a tremor in your voice, “ why the king likes your kind so much, you're cute ” he whispered, before turning and walked back towards the settlement, “ P- please. No!! I don't belong here!! Let me go!! ” you begged, kicking and flailing, trying your best to get him to put you down and let you go.

“ King Titus, I have come to request a cage from you ” the man holding you said, the king, who was currently feeding himself, and a human, in the golden cage, instantly looked up to see you being held in the giants hand.

And he stared at you in awe, “ Where did you find them? ” he asked, quickly standing up and going to look at you, as if you were some rare collectors item, “ Over there. In that cave ” Cain explained the king nodded, before leaving for a moment, and returned with a silver cage, “ Please! I really don't want to go in there! ” you cried out.

Cain and King Titus ignored you, and now you find yourself laying down in a padded cage, that was currently attached to Cains hip, he had to do some bargaining with the king, but the king eventually relented and allowed him to keep you, you're leg is healing well enough, after a late night raid on a human village.

They managed to capture a doctor, and he was forced to set and brace your leg, but, he said you shouldn't stand, and that's exactly what Cain makes you remember, if you go to sit up, Cain tells you and lay back down, if you stand, he'll carefully shake the cage until you fall back down, you really wish you never found that fucking cave.


The end. If you want a part 2 vote. But please know, it'll probably take me a while to make these part 2's

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