Yan! Bully × Gen! Neutral reader

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Hello Hello!! It's me again!! And I'm here to post the latest chapter! I know that this isn't either option last time.

But!! It's almost my birthday!! So I wanna write something that I haven't read just yet!! I may also have a little surprise at the end.

Tw; this is a story with a bully!! If you are uncomfortable with that I'll see you in the next chapter!!


'' Hey alien, it's good to see that you're back from your mother planet! ´´ James called out to you, you felt a small pang in your chest, but he's bullied you enough that you act as if it didn't.

James WAS your best friend since you were very young together, but, one day he just changed completely, your mother and his mother were also very close, but have also split because they caught james bullying you.

You're now both seniors in highschool, James was the football teams quarter back and you're just a nerd who loves anime, you sighed as you reached your locker and opened it.

'' Hey, (Y/N!) ´´ a male voice said right next to you, causing you to jump in shock and look to see Adam standing next to you, Adam was very popular, the typical hot guy situation, '' Um... Hello, Adam ´´ you whispered, feeling a tad uncomfortable.

Adam's friends always seemed to bully you into doing their homework, they thankfully stopped randomly a week ago, '' How are you today (Y/N)? ´´ Adam asked, seeming genuinely interested in you, '' I'm okay... You? ´´ you said, kind of awkward.

'' I'm doing good! I heard you're having a bit of trouble with Ms.Lakes assignment? ´´ Adam asked, your mouth dropped, how did he even know that? You're a straight A student and usually are the first one to finish assignments, but Ms.Lake had somehow threw one in that stumped you.

'' The answer to the question you're stumped on? 5- 3×4 +8 =? It's C ´´ Adam explained causing you to look even more shocked, '' Um, thank you, Adam, that actually helped me a ton ´´ you whispered.

'' No problem (Y/N), If you should ever be stumped again, let me know! ´´ Adam explained before walking off, classes we're going to start soon, you quickly grab your things from your locker and booked it.

What you and Adam had failed to notice was that James was watching you two the whole time, his fists clenched in absolute fury.


Through the next four weeks you slowly start interacting with Adam, first it was for questions that stumped you, then it slowly turned to just wanting to hang out.

It slowly became December and their was a annual party being held for it at your school, it was anyone invite anyone, which it was honestly weird, normally it's a girl invite boys, but you couldn't complain.

You weren't even going, the party wasn't for you, you hate dancing infront of others anyway, so how in the world did you end up with Adam asking you to be his date?!

You stood outside of the school, dressed into a fairly casual dress/tux, compared to what the others were wearing, Adam was absolutely no where to be found, inside or out of the school.

' Did he stand me up? I knew it was way too good to be true! ´ you thought in your head, standing away from the others, when all of a sudden the doors open and every one looked and the room immediately fell silent.

Adam had walked in with his ex-girlfriend and you felt your heart shatter, but your face held no emotions, they both were looking at you as if you were supposed to have some, you just stood there, your head held high.

That only seemed to make them angry, but you weren't having any of it, you turned and walked out, you sat on one of the benches trying to not cry when someone sat next to you.

'' Hey.... Nerd... ´´ James suddenly spoke up next to you and you felt your body go rigid, you quickly look up and he's looking down at you.

'' Hey, I haven't even gotten you to cry yet Nerd. Don't let that jerk be the reason you finally crack. Hm? ´´ James whispered to you and leaned down, gently swiping your tears away.

'' Thank you, James ´´ you whispered, but recoiled away from you, he sighed '' Look, I'm not asking for forgiveness, I'm just asking to atone with you. I know what I've been doing has been awful. And I swear to you. I'll never be like that again ´´ James explained to them.

''.... James.... I can't forgive you. Yet, but I can offer you a second chance, to wipe the slate clean ´´ You offer with your hand up, he smiled and gently shook it, '' (Y/N) ´´ you introduced yourself, '' James ´´ he responded.

'' Now, Ms. (Y/N) you wanna get back in there and show that piece of crap what he's missing out on? ´´ James asked, '' Nah, I'd rather go home James ´´ you responded and he showed you his keys '' I'll take you home ´´ he told you.


It's been three months, you and James are in pretty good terms now, you talk about everything and he revealed that he had overheard Adam and his lot make a bet about your reaction, it stung, but you just let it roll down your back.

You two were currently on a walk in the park, enjoying the scenery, and talking when suddenly four pretty big guys jump out of nowhere.

James instinctively pulls you behind him and puts his hands up, '' Look guys- ´´ he was cut off, '' SHUT IT! ´´ a deep voiced man bellows and you jumped in fear, '' WALLETS!! NOW!! ´´ the same man ordered holding his hand out.

You and James scramble to grab your wallets and give it to the man, when you suddenly scream feeling someone grab you from behind, James tried to grab you back, but the other men grabbed him.

You were dragged off as James was being attacked, in your frenzy you had managed to knock the attackers mask off, '' Adam?! ´´ you scream in shock and he quickly grabbed something from his pocket.

'' You're mine (Y/N)! ´´ Adam snarled covering your nose and mouth with a chloroform drenched wash rag.


You woke up hours later, seemingly in a basement, food and water right next to you with a note, '' Remember that you're mine (Y/N) Forever!! ´´


Two doctors stood at the foot of James bed '' How's he doing doc? ´´ the younger Doctor asked, '' Alive, but very injured ´´ the elder whispered staring at james with sadness.


What's this?? A possibility for a second part?? Maybe!! You just wait and see!!

And here is the surprise!! I'm planning on starting up a Yandere Anime book next week!! What do you guys think?

But, now I must be going. See you guys later!!

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