Yandere Neko × Gender neutral reader

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Hello!! So, I'm bored, and I have a dentist appointment tomorrow, so I'm anxious as heck, so yeah!! I decided to write a story about another thing I don't normally see, but I'd definitely love to see more of!


You and your family have been looking for a cat for awhile, as your little sister has been begging for one for her birthday, you are nineteen, she's ten, but you love your sister to bits and would do anything to make her happy, “ How about this one mom?? They're a calico!! ” your twin brother suddenly cried out, your mother looked at the cat for a while before shaking her head.

“ No, they're cute. But your sister asked for a Siamese cat, or a Ginger ” your mother responded, you nodded before looking around, you honestly hope that you don't find a ginger cat, you only heard horror stories about how chaotic they were, you soon stopped, and gasped, finding a ginger cat, that looked a lot like that one cat from Harry Potter!! You only know this because your sister loved Harry Potter.

Honestly, you didn't like the author of Harry Potter, because of the fact that she was transphobic, but, if this would make your sister happy, that's all that matters, right? “ Mom!! Look!! ” you call out, “ She's perfect!! ” she exclaimed happily, you hadn't noticed that it was a girl until now, but, oh well, you were on your way out when you suddenly hear a loud meow cry out, and a cat practically straining to reach you.

“ Oh dear.... I guess the cat distribution system is working well today ” your mom said, “ Excuse me, sir? ” she called out, “ Yes Ma'am? ” he responded, “ How much is that one? ” she asked pointing to the cat, “ Oh my!! Ruth!! He never begs for attention nor does he do that!! ” he explained, “ Ruth? ” you asked, immediately thinking about the ancient magus bride, the man smiled.

“ Ah.. his owner was apparently a big babe Ruth fan ” he explained, You raise an eyebrow, but noticed the cat did look like Ruth in his dog form, “ Do you want him sweet bean? ” your mom asked and you looked up at her shocked, “ I can't mom!! It's not fair to (S/N) if I also get a cat!! ” you exclaimed, “ Nonsense!! You know how much your little sister loves cats! It'll be okay ” she explained.

Now, you're walking out of the store, with two cats, Ruth, as you decided he should keep the name due to the striking appearance of the anime character, and who your sister has now dubbed crookshanks, as you had expected her to, but you honestly are uncomfortable around Ruth now, he follows you everywhere, which was expected of a cat, sure, but your sister's cat avoids him like he is the plague.


It's been about two weeks now, and Ruth is still following you around, except to the bathroom. Thank goodness, you even found yourself hiding in the bathroom to get away for awhile, when you heard your sister scream and immediately ran to her, “ I- I went to pet R- Ruth.... He l- Looked lonely.... B- But he swiped at me!! ” she sobbed.

You quickly check her hand and sigh when you realize that his claws hadn't made contact, “ It's okay lady bug, see? He didn't scratch you, I'll talk with mom tomorrow about taking him back ” you explained gently, and she hiccupped before slowly nodding, you smiled before kissing her hand, gently leading her away, crookshanks quickly following.

That night you had told your mom what had happened, about how you've been feeling, but she brushed away your fears and woes, “ If he continues to swipe at her we'll get rid of him, but for now, let's see if that's even necessary ” she explained and you huffed, but nodded, heading off to bed.

Early in the morning, you felt someone sitting next to you, “ I'm so glad your mother isn't sending me away. I feel like I'd go mad from grief about not being able to see you ” a man whispered and you immediately shot up, noticing a man at least in his early twenties staring back at you, he quickly covered your mouth as you attempted to scream.

“ Hush love!! Hush!! I know this is bloody scary!! But I'm not going to hurt you!! ” he whispered, you trembled in terror, “ Now... If I let you go will you be quiet so I can explain what's going on?? ” he asked and you slowly nodded, he sighed with relief before letting you go, slowly, before closing his eyes and then, there sat Ruth, where the man was sitting.

You immediately back away from him, and he transforms back, “ Don't freak out!! Calm down!! ” he whisper yelled, you flinched away, not wanting to be anywhere near him, you, wanted to sob, you wanted to scream, you look at the door then him, before you bolted, running for the door.

Only for the man to catch you, pressing your back to his chest as he covered your mouth, “ Shhh love.... I love you too much to lose you!! ” he hissed, and then, it was too much and you were out, when you awoke you were in your family's SUV, tied up, the man was driving, “ Sorry hun, it appears that your brother overheard us, so I had to take drastic measures ” he explained, “ W- Where are you taking me?! ” you cried out.

“ Ah. Who knows. I was thinking maybe Hawaii, or south Carolina.... I'll figure it out on the road ” he explained, and you silently sob, and he noticed, before pulling over and gently dried your tears, “ It's okay. I promise to take care of you darlin' always ” he whispered, before going to drive again, humming the song that was currently on the radio.

“ W- What did you do to my family?! ” you asked, “ Oh.... Well.... I actually restrained them and took most of your money so we can live comfortably ” he explained, before you suddenly hear a police siren.

Okay!! This will be an optional story!! So you get to pick what happens next!!

A. You two get pulled over, and Ruth makes you pretend like you're a happy couple

B. The police had an emergency to get to so they turned their siren on to get past you two.

Pick wisely. And night!!

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