Yandere Vampire × Gender Neutral reader

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Hey guys!! It's me. Before we get into this story I'm going to be giving you some updates and some exciting news!!

Updates; From now on, unless it's a part 2. The reader will be Gender Neutral. I'm sorry. But I honestly feel most comfortable with that!! It gives both genders a way to enjoy a story!

Exciting news; For Halloween I'm going to be posting a 2k word story!! I'm gonna keep it as a surprise.

Onto the story!!

This story does take place in Mid evil times!!

Tw; Violence, Death, possible gore

You stood in your mothers bakery, looking absolutely exhausted, many people were disappearing all over the town, so the guards ordered a curfew

You needed to leave soon or you'd be breaking it, but your older sister dumped all of the chores onto you, all so she can go meet up with her most recent boy toy.

You didn't mind, much, as long as her boyfriends didn't hurt her, but today, today it irked you beyond belief! '' She knows theirs a curfew!! Why did she have to dump everything onto me!! ´´ you vent under your breath.

It got to the point where you'd have to drop everything and come back super early in the morning to finish cleaning, you sighed, and walked to the front, but to your absolute horror, it was already dark outside!

You looked to the clock in the residential area, where the costumers eat and you saw it was way past curfew!! You didn't know because there were no windows in the back!

You soon spot a note on one of the tables, you quickly picked it up and it read '' My dear sister, the clock in the back is broken, it is set for a hour early. We are to fix it tomorrow! Stay safe! Your dear sister (Y/S/N) ´´

You crumble the letter up in anger before taking a deep breath and ran your hands through your hair, trying to think of a out for this, you suddenly remembered that your boyfriend is training to become a guard and would be patrolling close to the bakery by this point!

You quickly grabbed your cloak and a lantern and quickly and as quietly as possible sneak out through the back, you arrive to where he said he'd be if you wanted to sneak out to meet him.

'' Varian! Varian! ´´ you whisper yelled only to gag at a certain smell that wafted up to your nose, you subconsciously took a small step back only to fumble and fall back in between the garbage.

You feel something wet on your hand and quickly bring your hand up to the light to find a crimson liquid on your hands, and they start to tremble, ' B- Blood! ´ you thought in terror before slowly bringing your lantern to where your hand was.

Only to bite back a horrified scream as Varian stared at you, his eyes held no light, and he looked as if the very last thing he tried to do was scream.

You quickly backed away from his body and stood, your whole body shaking, so it was no easy task, you went to take a step back to run to a guard when you ran into a tall wall.

You tried to jump away but a arm wrapped around you and a hand covered your mouth, '' Ahhh... So you're the famous (Y/N) Hmm? He wouldn't stop calling for you ´´ a deep, Italian voice filled your ears.

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