Yandere! Giant × Gender neutral Reader

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Hey guys I'm sorry that I'm not pushing updates to my stories like I said I would. Writers block is nagging at me.

But!! Here I am with a new part for this Yandere book series. I hope you enjoy.


You sigh, rather heavily, you have absolutely no clue how you even found yourself in this mess!! You were basically teen peer pressured into coming along this hiking trip by your older brother.

'' Oh come on lil sibling!! Live a little!! ´´ he gently scolded, '' I AM living!! At home where I am in the safety of my covers with my books!! ´´ you snapped back, '' That's not living ´´ he whispered under his breath.

Thankfully, the others had walked ahead, so they hadn't heard a thing, or, maybe it wasn't so lucky for them, you suddenly felt the earth shake under your feet.

You and your brother held onto each other so you didn't fall over, '' WHAT'S GOING ON (B/N)?! ´´ you asked in terror, '' I DON'T KNOW (N/N | Nick name)! ´´ your brother called out in shock.

And as soon as it came it stopped, the both of you looked around frantically, '' The guys!! ´´ (B/N) cried out running towards the others and you followed, '' Ben!! Mariah!! Jonathan!! ´´ (B/N) called out only for no one to answer, you looked around onto to trip into a large hole.

'' (Y/N)!! Are you okay?! ´´ your brother called, '' I'm fine!! I just.... Tripped ´´ you whispered thinking you spotted something large up ahead, '' (Y/N)!! Take my- ack!! ´´ you immediately tear your eyes off what you thought was a tall man when your brother screams.

A giant stands tall, holding your brother, tight so he couldn't even struggle, you let out a small scream, before she was also grabbed, she immediately closed her eyes, they were very afraid of heights!!

'' What do we do with these two? Send them to the cells too? ´´ Giant 1 asked.

'' Hmmm.... Maybe the boy.... But.... I think the prince would be interested in this one ´´ Giant two responded.

The giants stared at you, making you very uncomfortable, '' Oi!! Let. My. Sibling. Go!! ´´ (B/N) shouted, '' Oh pipe down human!! ´´ Giant 1 scolded throwing him into a large jar with Air holes in it.

'' Take that one to the prince, that one can be our princes birthday present ´´ Giant 2 told Giant 1, Giant 1 nodded before you found yourself in a jar like your brother's before it was stuffed into a shirt pocket.

You tried to escape, but no matter how many times you tried to run to the pocket to wiggle you out, it won't work, you stopped after awhile and sit down near the edge of the jar.

You tense up again hearing knocking, '' Your late ´´ a gruff voice scolded, '' Sorry. Me and Larkin got.. ´´ you suddenly feel as if your being lifted '' Side tracked ´´ the giant finished holding you out to a excited looking giant.

'' Ooh!! You know how much the prince love's humans!! ´´ the other giant exclaimed, '' That's exactly why we picked this one instead of being forced to live in the cells for the rest of their life ´´ Giant 1 explained before walking in.

You look around frantically, your anxiety acting up '' F- Five things you can..... Hear (Y/N) ´´ you slowly took yourself through the steps, you eventually noticed that the giants were now standing infront of a well dressed giant.

'' I- Is that what I think it is?! ´´ the prince cried out before standing up and grabbing their jar, and held it up to his face, '' IT IS!! IT IS!! ´´ the giant said in pure joy, '' My very own human ´´ he whispered looking down towards you, you immediately curled up where you were sitting.


You spend the rest of the night in the jar on the princes throne, more giants came to bring gifts, until he decided it was time for the party to end, he stood, grabbed your jar and walked off.

You eventually noticed you were in a large room, a few cages hung above the two of you, and this for some reason, made you terrified.

You looked up as the lid of the jar was slowly opened, before the jar began tipping towards the awaiting palm of the giant, you tried to stop yourself but you couldn't.

Soon you were in his grasp, you couldn't go anywhere, he was possibly taller than the others!!

He chuckled '' They still don't know that I collect my own precious humans ´´ he whispered before walking towards his bed, '' But, you little human may just be my favorite ´´ he whispered before sitting down.

He looked as if he was thinking of something before reaching out, a golden cage laid on his nightstand, you think you finally understand what's about to happen, you try to not go in, but he has more strength than you.

'' There~ my own little human snug in their cage..... Where they'll never escape me! ´´ he said looking at you with a crazy look in his eyes.


It's been two months since you were brought here, your brother and his friends were added to the princes secret stash of humans, mostly for good behavior for your part.

And you never are left alone, where he must go for giant duties he'll simply grab your cage and bring you, if it's to dangerous you stay in his room with the others and locked behind his door.

But he reminds you everyday this one phrase.

'' You'll never leave me, my little human ´´

Alright!! I hope everyone liked it!! See you next time my writers block vanishes!!

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