Introduction to The Landy Chronicles

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Introduction: The Landy Chronicles

"Oh, how it's been so long! I'm so sorry I've been gone! I've been busy writing this for YOU! *points at PTX-FOB_lover2014 and JennaAmore and ME!* (I'm dedicating these books to the people who shipped the various couples in The Forever Tour.)

If you haven't read The Forever Tour, please go read that first because:
1. It's probably going to make no sense if you start here
2. I'm not good at like, recaps. You know that thing they always do at the beginning of The Vampire Diaries? The whole "previously on the Vampire Diaries?" I suck at that. So my "previously on TFT will probably be like, five sentences each couple.
3. The Forever Tour was also a good story. I'm just saying.

There is going to be a similar introduction to each of The Chronicles because I'm writing them simultaneously. Also, if the regular TFT crew (*winks* you guys know who you are) want to see anything specific happen with any characters, just shout via pm - we are a civilised people who shall not part take in the fuckery of spoilers and such (that word is such an eloquent way of swearing lmao.) Also important to note is that this takes place in the time between the end of the tour and before American Beauty/American Psycho has been recorded. But the Fall Out Babies are older. It's my story okay, handle my sense of timing :P

So, let me get my Mystic Falls on...


Whilst on tour, Andy, who has been going through a deep depression, develops a romantic relationship with Fall Out Boy's new PA, Lainey. Lainey is a friend Pete made while getting treatment for bipolar disorder, which Lainey also suffers from. In addition to bipolar disorder, Lainey is recovering from an eating disorder and is not a straight edge vegan. She is a medium height lady with clear grey eyes, long black hair, a very thin frame and smokes and drinks socially. Halfway through the tour, Andy buys a house secretly and asks Lainey to move in with him by giving her a box with two sets of keys with each of their names on the key chains. This story will see us watching as Andy and Lainey work together professionally and in their personal relationship.

The Landy Chronicles - Andy Hurley, Fall out boy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now