Chapter 3

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The next morning, Becky woke up to unfamiliar yet pleasant stirrings in the near distance. Slowly, the distinct smell of fresh coffee permeated through her still sleepy mind. Soon the sound of clinking plates and running water could be heard from somewhere within the house.

For a hazy moment, she believed that she was back in her granny's home. Any minute now, there would come the soft padding of slippered footsteps in the hall, followed by a gentle tap on her door. Granny would then pop her head in to wake Becky up for breakfast!

It didn't take long, though, for reality to come crashing through her pleasant musings. Reality, in the form of heavy masculine footsteps, followed by abrupt pounding on her door.

"Up, sleeping beauty," hissed a none too pleasant voice. "Your audience awaits!"


"Did you really have to wake her so soon?" Kell asked with an exasperated sigh when Crispin appeared in the kitchen, looking quite self-righteous and ready for battle.

Ignoring him, Crispin sidled up to the kitchen counter and poured himself a cup of coffee. "You'd let her sleep all day, wouldn't you?" He tossed his long dark mane over his shoulder.

"I just mean, it's early yet. There's no hurry. Besides, it's Saturday," Kell said with a frown as he casually flipped through the newspaper, and various flyers.

Crispin shrugged indifferently. "I just assume we get it over with. You know, get it done quickly and efficiently before things get... uncomfortable." He then pulled up a chair, purposely dragging it across the floor.

"What are you talking about, Crisp?" Dorian cringed at the unnecessary sound, looking up from a flyer he had been studying.

"That's what I'm talking about!" Crispin snapped, snatching the flyer away from him. "Bed, Bath and Beyond? Really, Dorian? Making long-term plans already?"

"What the freak, man?" Dorian scoffed, snatching it back.

"Settle down, guys," Kell said, taking a deep calming breath.

"I will not settle down!" Crispin hissed, pointing his index finger at the mangled flyer, opened to a page displaying a set of the most un-Goth-like flowery bedding. "For fuck's sake, Dorian is already picking out duvets for her." He paused for a scowl of distaste. "Now see here, while you two dolts are obviously already smitten by this silly twit of a girl, I most certainly am not! I refuse to accept her. I will not have it! She cannot stay here!"

"Good morning," Becky said quietly from the door, looking in at the men clothed in varying shades of black. She had just mustered up the courage to come downstairs, lured by the delicious aroma of freshly brewed coffee, something that had been severely lacking during her stay at the dorm, when she'd overheard them talking. In fact, she couldn't have avoided it since Crispin's melodious voice carried through the house like that of an opera singer.

Her first plan had been to turn around and go back upstairs, but what would be the point in that? To pretend she hadn't heard him would be a fruitless endeavour. She may as well face the music.

"Well done, Crisp," Dorian said sarcastically.

"Always the charmer, Crispin," Kell muttered, leaning forward on the table, digging his hands through his hair in an effort to keep from strangling his insensitive housemate.

"Good morning, indeed," Crispin said, ignoring the grumblings from around the table, turning his attention instead, to the very cause of his early morning rant.

He couldn't help but flinch at the very sight of her. Granted, she did appear less-than-worthy of so much strife and upheaval, being so slight and puny in stature.

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