Chapter 26

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Chapter 26 - The Return of the Prodigal Goth... Warning, things are about to get a wee bit complicated...

Lying in bed, Becky promised herself never to dwell on Jax again. As far as she was concerned, he was history. He was an awful person and he didn't deserve any more of her time.

Dozing in and out of consciousness, she could still hear the music vibrating in from the party. Every once in a while, she would hear someone come in to use the bathroom downstairs. At one point, it sounded as though the party had drifted into the kitchen with the sound of voices and laughter. Self-consciously, she tugged her blanket higher, to just below her chin.

She must have drifted off to sleep eventually. Hours later, she was awoken by the unmistakable sounds of sex coming from a room nearby. She frowned at the thought of who it could be causing the lucky girl to giggle and moan with such abandon. It wasn't any of her business, really. Yet she couldn't help but be upset at the thought that it might be Kelley. It didn't bother her so much to imagine it being Dorian or even Crispin. But the image of Kelley in the arms of another woman... well, that upset her so much that she couldn't get the idea out of her head.

Becky tossed and turned, unable to tune out the sounds of the seemingly never ending romp. Frustrated, she even pulled her pillow over her head in an effort to stifle the erotic cries of pleasure that stole through the dark house. What in the world could he be doing to her that would cause her to scream like that? Becky could only imagine. Worse yet, she was starting to get all hot and bothered herself.

Lying on her belly, she couldn't help but feel the familiar tingles of arousal stirring from between her legs. This was so wrong, getting excited at the sounds of one of her housemates having sex! Or was it? No one would ever know...

Unable to resist, she slid her hand between her thighs and started to stroke herself. It wasn't long before her heart started to race, her breath coming out in short gasps. She was so close. In fact, she was so distracted by her manipulations that she didn't hear someone come into her room. It was only when she felt the mattress dip and a heavy masculine body collapse on top of her, did she scream.

"What the fuck... Oh, hello sweetheart? Something I can help you with?" slurred a voice so heavily coated in alcohol that it almost made her choke.

"Get off me!" she screamed, not recognizing the voice, unable to see his face properly in the dark. All that she could tell was that he was very heavy, covered in leather, metal clasps, and jewellery. Even in the dark she knew he was a Goth. "Help... please!"

"Hey, don't be like that," he said, breathing heavily against her ear, leaning into her, giving her bottom a lusty thrust of his hips. "You're in my bed after all, aren't you? Were you thinking about me? Sorry if I kept you waiting. Had I known..." He paused, resting his large hands on either side of her head.

"Please... get off me," she cried out, realizing in horror that no one would hear her over the sounds of the girl in the other room.

The man didn't move, instead, he rested his entire weight on her and nuzzled his nose into the back of her head. Moments later, Becky realized that he'd fallen asleep. This was her chance, she thought, squirming her way from underneath the drunken stranger.

The moment she was free, she raced from her room. On instinct, she turned towards Kelley's door. She hesitated for a moment, though, wondering what she might find behind it. The last thing she wanted was to walk in on Kelley having sex with some random girl. She imagined it would be something she'd never be able to un-see.

Hearing sudden movement behind her, Becky decided to take her chances and ran into Kelley's room.

Unable to sleep either, Kell had given up trying to ignore the cries of passion coming from Crispin's room. Instead, he'd put on his headphones and sat up in bed listening to the droning sounds of Placebo's, Pure Morning. He had his eyes closed, his head resting back against the wall. He was just picturing Becky in his mind's eye when he was hit with the full force of her impact.

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