Chapter 44

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Becky woke up feeling positively wonderful, despite a slight headache from having too much wine. She couldn't help but smile at the memory of how Kelley had made her feel last night. Sitting up, she realized that she was in his bed yet he was nowhere to be found. Perhaps he was up making coffee!

Christmas was only a few days away, falling on Wednesday this year. That meant two whole weeks of nothing but hanging around the house in jammies!

Getting up and creeping to her room, she slipped on a comfy pair of pants and made her way to the bathroom. As she relieved herself, she felt a slight sting in her private parts. She smiled despite it all, recalling the reason for it. Ever since becoming sexually active with Kelley, she'd noticed certain things about her body, certain changes. A little soreness now and then was to be expected, she realized. After all, Kelley was a lot bigger than her and his fingers were quite large.

When she wiped herself, she noticed a tinge of redness. It took her a moment to realize what that meant. It couldn't be her period since she'd just finished up last week. She couldn't help but smile. He'd been so worried about hurting her, yet she didn't recall anything but pleasure last night.

He'd put his fingers in her before, but last night, on the kitchen counter, he must have gone deeper. She smiled wider at the memory. The man was a master with his hands. If anything, she was excited at the prospect of what came next. He should have no reason to be hesitant now! Overjoyed, she washed up and left the bathroom.

She paused just outside of Dorian's door when she heard giggling and whispers from within his room. Aww... good for you. Becky smiled to herself as she went downstairs.

She passed the front room first, seeing Crispin in there, fussing over his latest painting. "Good morning," she said, sneaking up behind him and giving him a friendly hug. He'd been so sad lately, still heartbroken over Gracie.

"Aw... Becky," he said, wrapping his arm back around her. "Sweet little dormouse, how are you feeling?" Truth was, he'd been feeling awful for any part he'd taken in her unfortunate deflowering. If hadn't been so eager to get her drunk, none of it would have happened.

"Just a little achy," she lamented, resting her head on his back.

"I'll kill him, I swear," he groaned guiltily.

"Kill who?" she chuckled, confused. "The winemaker? Seriously, it's not all that bad. Just a little headache. It's to be expected, isn't it?"

"Headache? Oh, yes, of course," he said with a sigh. "Too much wine will do that." He turned and held her away from him, studying her. "Forgive me?"

"Crispin, don't be silly. I told you I wanted to get drunk. Isn't that what college life is all about? Getting drunk with your friends and having a good time."

"I suppose..." he said, realizing that she was obviously none the worse for wear. Perhaps he'd been worried about nothing. She was all smiles, that's what mattered in the end. "Come, let's get us some breakfast."

Entering the kitchen first, Crispin noticed Kelley standing by the window, staring forlornly into the backyard. The poor stupid bastard was obviously filled with remorse for what he'd done. Giving him a friendly slap on the back, Crispin helped himself to coffee.

"Good morning, Kelley," she chirped, giving the broody Goth a warm hug. "Don't you guys ever dress down?" Becky quipped, glancing back and forth between the two glorious Goths, Crispin in his Victorian-inspired finest and Kelley in his Militia style fitted shirt and trousers. She didn't even bother suppressing her snicker when Keegan showed up already decked out in his black upon black outfit, only today he had on a black Santa hat.

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