Chapter 16

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To say that Jax was good at what he was doing, would be a severe understatement. In fact, he was amazing at it. Becky moaned softly, liking the way his talented tongue felt as it swept in and out of her ear. Too bad, she couldn't quite get past the idea of having an audience.

"Fuck..." Jax grumbled suddenly, reluctantly pulling away from Becky.

"What's going on?" Becky whispered huskily, sitting up and frowning at the interruption of her introductory make-out session.

Why had the guys stopped playing? She was too far away to hear what the guys were saying to each other, but from their body language, it was pretty obvious that they were not happy.

"Um, Becks are you by chance... involved with Kell?" Jax asked nervously, having suffered under the dark Goth's glares one too many times.

Becky turned to face Jax and furrowed her brow. Why would he ask that? Hadn't he talked to Crispin? As far as she was concerned, Crispin had made it quite clear that she wasn't seeing anyone. "No... not really, why?" she asked.

"What do you mean, not really?" Jax said, looking very concerned. "He's been staring daggers at me all night."

"I mean, we're just friends. At least I think we are," she explained as well as she could, even though to be honest, the entire situation was a bit confusing. Why would Kelley feel the need to scowl at Jax in such an unfriendly way? Even now, he was glaring a hole through the blonde's head.

"Well, perhaps you had better clear that up with him because I'm not so sure he is of the same mind," Jax said, abruptly setting Becky away from him. "Shit, here he comes."

Watching Kelley approach with such singular murderous intent, startled Becky. Reactively, she stood up, feeling the need to intercept his heat-seeker missile momentum. "Kelley...what..."

Literally seething with hostility towards Jax and his octopus arms, Kell hadn't expected Becky to suddenly jump up in front of him. "Damn it, Becky!" he cursed, nearly knocking her over with the full force of his impact. She bounced off his chest like a bowling pin. Fortunately, he caught her before she fell backwards. With his large hands, he grabbed her upper arms with a vice-like grip and steadied her on her feet.


"Hey, back off, man," Jax warned, jumping up, looking nervously from Kell to Crispin for some sort of intercession. Too bad it wasn't coming. Crispin and Dorian had already taken off in a huff.

Jax wasn't looking for any trouble. He was a lover, not a fighter, and Kell Keele was a force to be reckoned with on a good day. "What the fuck's your problem?"

"You are, prick," Kell snarled, tucking Becky possessively behind his back. "Keep your grubby paws off my girl."

Becky's breath hitched in her throat. His girl? Since when? How dare he act this way? He hadn't shown her any form of affection as of late. Even to the point of avoiding her altogether. Suddenly, just because Jax showed his interest, Kelley felt the need to stake his claim on her. Well, he had another thing coming if he thought she'd appreciate being humiliated in front of everyone. Even now, she could hear snickering going on in the background.

"Your girl? Does Becky know she's yours? Because she sure wasn't acting like it a moment ago," Jax said with newfound courage.

"Fuck off or prepare to die, blondie," Kell snarled.

"Kelley!" Becky shouted, freeing herself from his possessive grip. "He's got a point!"

"Right, well, I'm out of here," Jax said, taking the moment to escape. "Call me when you've figured it out, Becks." He snuck a kiss to her cheek before slipping out of the garage.

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