Chapter 27

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When she finally woke up, Becky found herself alone. From the position of the sun coming in Kelley's window, she quickly surmised that it must be midmorning.

Being so comfortable in Kelley's bed, she didn't want to get up. Unfortunately, she couldn't shut out the shouting coming from the kitchen. Then slowly she remembered the man falling into her bed, crushing her with his big, heavy body. She couldn't help but frown at the memory. He had been so drunk!

The unfamiliar Goth had probably wandered into her room without realizing it. But that didn't counter the fact that he'd caught her in the middle of such an embarrassing act. How humiliating!

Mortified, Becky buried her head under the pillow. Hopefully, whoever it had been, was long gone from the house by now. Yes, hopefully, he would have been so drunk that he wouldn't remember what he'd discovered her doing either.

Keegan lounged sullenly in his chair, avoiding the glares of his disgruntled bandmates. So he'd left without a word. What could he have said at the time? That he was in love? They would have only laughed. They would have been right, though. In fact, he should have never left the House of Goths in the first place.

This is where he belonged, not with some mundane girl with stars in her eyes. Too bad he had to get his heart ripped out of his chest before he realized it.

"I don't see what the big deal is," he said, arching an eyebrow. "Why can't I just have my room back?

"Big deal?" Crispin gasped, clutching at his chest. "You took off without a word! You left the band high and dry! All for a freaking girl!" Suddenly, realizing that Gracie was beside him, he winced apologetically at her.

"Don't worry about it, stud." She playfully punched him in the chest. "I get it." She then turned and made her way towards the front door. "See you later. Thanks for the ride."

"I'll walk you out," Crispin said, catching up and taking her hand.

Becky was just coming down the stairs when she stopped at the top. She quietly observed the beautiful couple on their way to the front door. Not wanting to interrupt, but feeling a bit like a voyeur, she waited unseen as Crispin tenderly kissed the beautiful girl goodbye.

The moment they were alone, Becky came down to greet him. "Aw..." she said as he closed the front door. Becky couldn't help but giggle when he startled at finding her there.

"Dormouse!" he admonished, catching his breath.

"Who would have thought you could be so romantic!" she said, clutching her hands together under her chin.

"Oh, stop it, you little ninny," he scoffed, obviously flustered by her comment. Finding it hard to resist, he caught her around the hips and picked the little imp up off the stairs. "Did you think all this charm was just for show?" He chuckled when she laughed heartily at his affectionate play. "Or did you think I was some heartless monster?"

"Of course, you're not a monster, Crispin. Are you in love with her?" she asked, looking down into his face, her hands on his shoulders. "She's very beautiful. Is she your girlfriend?"

His expression turned thoughtful at her questions. "Between you and me, I wish she was."

"Aw..." Becky clasped his cheeks with her palms and gave him a sympathetic frown.

"She doesn't want me that way, though. Independent woman and all that," he said with a wistful smile. "Better this way, I suppose."

"Why is it better, Crispin?"

"Because otherwise, I wouldn't feel right grabbing you up in my arms like this," he said, playfully burying his nose in her neck. "And giving you a squeeze."

"You should have sex more often." Becky laughed, squirming away from him. It was a funny thing for her to say, but it was the truth. He seemed so happy and lighthearted.

"I agree," he said, setting her down on the floor. "Now, we have important matters to discuss." His expression turned very serious as he gazed sullenly towards the kitchen.

"Who's in there?" she asked, hearing an unfamiliar voice.

"Keegan," he said with a heavy sigh before turning and walking into the kitchen.

With tentative steps, Becky followed him and peered in from the hall. There they were, all assembled. Dorian and Kelley leaned up against the counter with the same dour expressions on their faces as last night. Crispin sat down at the table across from the strange Goth, who she assumed was Keegan.

He looked rather rough, one might say. Dishevelled might be a proper description and he smelled heavily of stale liquor and a bit like a wet dog. His multi-layered, shoulder-length, inky black hair was all over the place. His eyeliner was smeared in an unflattering manner.

Worrying her lip, Becky suddenly gasped as the memory of his heavy breath in her ear, the undeniable weight of him bearing down on her.

Her sudden intake of air alerted everyone, including the strange Goth of her presence. He immediately looked in her direction. His sorrowful expression turned rather wolfish and unnerving.

"So, it wasn't a wet dream after all," he said with much amusement in his gravelly voice. "There was a girl in my bed last night, and a very lovely one, too." He raked his eyes over her from top to bottom with a suggestive lick of his lips.

Becky reddened at his open perusal of her. She frowned, worrying over whether he remembered what she was doing when he'd come into her room last night. Judging from the mischievous grin on his face, though, she could tell he did and that wasn't good at all.

"And if I'm not mistaken, I might've interrupted..."

"Shut the fuck up!" Kell growled, immediately going to Becky's side. He frowned and gazed guardedly at her flustered face. He'd already heard Keegan's rather explicit retelling of how he'd found her touching herself. The last thing he wanted was for her to realize that they all knew about it.

"Shit..." grumbled Dorian.

"This isn't going to end well," Crispin added with a withering sigh.

Seeing her there still in her little nightie, Kell made sure to insinuate himself in front of her, effectively blocking her irresistible curves from Keegan's view. He'd just gotten used to Dorian and Crispin's blatant appreciation of her loveliness. He knew they were harmless enough, but Keegan, well, he was altogether a different sort.

"Becky, maybe you should go up and get dressed," Kelley suggested, looking her over before ushering her away from the kitchen.

"Oh... okay." Becky shrugged, self-consciously smoothing her hands over her nightie. She hadn't given it much thought. It wasn't unusual for her to go down to breakfast in her sleepwear.

"Why should she have to?" Crispin asked, appearing in the doorway behind them. "This is her home. She should feel perfectly comfortable walking about as she always has."

Straightening up to his full height, Kell gazed back and forth between Becky and Crispin. For once, Crispin had a good point. She shouldn't be made to feel ashamed for simply being her silly sweet self. "He's right, love. Stay as you are." With that, he ushered her back into the kitchen. With a welcoming smile, Dorian pulled out a chair for her. "Coffee, Becky?"

"Mmmm... yes, please," she said as Kelley stood behind her chair.


To be continued...


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House of Goths Copyright © 2014 by Maria Bernard ISBN: 978-0-9938067-3-5


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