Chapter 38

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***Warning: From here on, readers will encounter escalating scenes of a sexual nature. You have been warned. Now, on with the story...

Kelley's Declaration...

"Hey?" Becky murmured groggily. Out cold, she was, in her own bed when she felt herself being lifted up by a pair of very strong arms. It was still dark, probably only one or two o'clock in the morning.

"Shh," Kelley whispered into her ear.

"Kelley... am I being abducted?" she protested weakly, hearing him chuckle deep in his chest. Which by the way, she was presently pressing her nose into. Oh, and another thing, the handsome Goth wore no shirt.

"Missed you in my bed," he murmured as he lay her down under his blanket and crawled in beside her. "That's all."

Becky was suddenly quite awake and just a wee bit confused. What was he about? Sure, he'd been hovering around her lately, staring longingly at her when he thought she wasn't looking.

"I didn't think I was welcome in your bed," she said as he rolled with her so that she rested on his chest, he on his back, an arm around her middle. With his other hand, he played with her hair, looping his fingers around its locks.

"You're always welcome to share my bed, love," he said huskily. Running his fingers along the curve of her face, he turned her chin up towards him. He bent his head and kissed her softly. He'd missed her. Everything about her, her lips, her smiles, her sighs...

"Becky, I've been such an ass."

"Yes, you have," she said, suddenly hesitant. "To be honest, I don't know where I stand with you."

"Love, I haven't been very fair to you. I've said some awful things. But that's all going to change now. That's if you'll give me another chance. Becky, I care so much about you."

To be honest, she'd forgiven him days ago. It was not lost on her how he'd tried without words to please her. Often hovering around her, hoping for a kind word or a glance in his direction.

She could be quite surly in her own way, keeping her distance from him even though she could sense his need for reassurance. As tough as he pretended he be, she was well aware of the fact that cared for her. It was plainly evident from everything he did. She never went without anything, from food to art supplies.

The Goth had even started to make her lunches for her, even adding her favourite cookies for snacking. Every morning this week, she'd found her lunch caddy lined up on the kitchen counter. That's when she realized that with Kelley, actions really did speak louder than words.

"I've missed you too, Kelley," she sighed, crawling up closer to his wonderful mouth, literally climbing on top of his chest so that the length of her body rested fully on his. "And I forgive you."

"Oh... thank God," he nearly cried.

"Let's not be mad at each other anymore," she said quietly.

"There's no room for anger between us, love," he said, squeezing her to him.

"Yes, Kelley..."

"Say my name again, please." He'd woken up moments ago with the hugest erection of his life. He'd been dreaming of her, of them together just like this. Like so many nights, he'd hoped that she would come to him. He'd tried to resist the urge to go to her, but in the end, he gave up the good fight. He was done fighting his want of her, his undeniable need of her.

"Kelley..." she repeated in a voice so rich and velvety that it nearly destroyed him.

With both hands in her hair, holding her in place, he kissed her again and again, his tongue tracing her lips before diving in between them. He nearly lost it when she moaned and rolled her hips against him, that lovely warm spot between her legs, pressing desperately against his hardness.

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