Chapter 46

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"Not so fast, love," Kell said, catching Becky on her way to the couch. Before she could escape him, he nabbed her around the waist.

"Kelley..." she giggled, going limp in his fortress-like arms. "I was hoping for a little after breakfast nap."

"There'll be plenty of time for napping later," he said into her ear, his hot breath tickling the sensitive skin of her neck. "Now, go on upstairs and get dressed. We're going out."

"We are?" she said, surprised. After the last few days of doing nothing but rolling around in bed together, it was almost weird to think about going out into the real world. "Where?"

"Never mind, just meet me back downstairs in half an hour," he said, giving her a lusty squeeze around her middle.

Suddenly excited at the idea of spending the day out with Kelley, Becky did as she was told. She went straight to her room and picked out a pair of blue jeans and a long sleeve, blue henley. Overtop she wore a cream coloured cardigan, because it was awfully cold out these last few days and layers were essential. Fluffing her hair and dusting on a little make-up, she was ready within twenty minutes.

On her way towards the stairs, she passed Crispin's room and paused when she spotted him standing by his window. He appeared lost in thought, staring off into the treetops.

"You alright, Crispin?" Becky asked, stirring him from his musings.

"Just fine..." he said with an audible sigh.

He was obviously still pining after Gracie, silly girl that she was. Unable to walk away, Becky entered his room and came to stand at his side. "Poor prickly goth," she whispered softly.

"Aw... Becky, leave me be," he said with a frown. "I don't need your pity. I don't have the patience or the tolerance for your silliness right now." He waved her off with a dismissive flick of his wrist. "Don't you have somewhere to go, something to do other than bother me?"

Hurt and taken aback, Becky left him without another word. He hadn't meant any of that, she was sure. Still, she'd be lying if she said that his dismissal of her hadn't stung.

Moments later, all thoughts of Crispin vanished at the mere sight of Kelley leaning by the front door with a killer smile on his handsome face.

"Go on, get your coat on," he encouraged.

"Do I need a hat?" she asked, looking over his shoulder at the front yard, covered in freshly fallen snow.

Kell couldn't help but chuckle at the sight of her all wrapped up in her navy blue peacoat, scarf and mittens. Taking the hat from her, he put it in his coat pocket and took her by the hand.

"Not just yet," he said, leading her towards his car. "You might want to take the mitts and scarf off too. You'll be awfully warm in the car. I thought we'd take a drive in the country today."

"Where to?" Becky said, getting into the passenger seat and buckling in.

"Well, how do you feel about checking out the local wineries in Prince Edward County?" he asked with an expectant smile, that amplified impossibly brighter when she clapped and gave a little squeal. "Perhaps we might even pick up a few bottles for Christmas and New Year's Eve."

"Kelley, that's an amazing idea!" she said excitedly. Wow, what an unexpected but most pleasant turn of events.

Kell could only smile at her enthusiasm. To say he was positively smitten with this girl would be a huge understatement. In fact, Kelley had never felt more in love with anyone in his entire life.

Becky had come into his life at the right time. That's what he now realized. She filled that gaping big hole in his heart so completely that it was impossible to imagine a world without her in it.

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