Chapter 29

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At a loss for what to do to calm her frayed nerves, Becky paced in her room. Her room... or was it even hers anymore? Did she even want to stay here any longer? Oh, how could she ever look her housemates in the eyes after what Keegan said? What must they think of her?

Better yet, what had she been thinking? One girl, living here with all these guys. They were right about not wanting her here in the first place. It would never work. She'd been deluding herself into believing that they could be one big happy family.

Truth was, she didn't know what upset her more. The embarrassment of them knowing what she was doing when Keegan wandered into her room last night or witnessing Kelley react so violently just now.

She had never experienced anything like that before. In fact, she was still quite shaken up about the whole thing.

"Perhaps, you should go get her," Crispin said, walking into the kitchen, holding the pizza that had just been delivered. "Kell?"

"I suppose..." Kell said, reluctantly getting up from his chair.

While Dorian and Keegan went about setting the table as if nothing had transpired, he hadn't been able to get up the gumption to face Becky. In fact, he'd been dreading this moment. What could he possibly say to her?

When he got to her room, the door was shut. Odd, since she rarely closed it. Even at night when he happened to go by now and then, he would stop and close it himself. It was just one of those things about her. Such a trusting little thing, she was.

Feeling it appropriate, given the circumstances at present, he felt he should knock first. Bringing his hand to the door, he gave it a gentle rap with his knuckles.

"Go away! I'm busy."


"I said, go away!" she shouted. Then something muffled hit the door from the inside. Her pillow, no doubt. Kelley fought hard not to smile at her feisty retort. God, he was smitten with her.

"Dinner's here, love," he said with a sugar-laced voice.

"I'm not hungry," Becky said, tiptoeing towards the door, holding her belly.

"Yes, you are. It's your favourite, mushrooms, and sun-dried tomatoes." He paused to listen. "Extra cheese..." Like clockwork, he heard a distinct tummy rumble and smiled to himself. A half-minute later and the doorknob turned. The door opened a crack, enough for her peek out at him.

Their eyes met for a split second before she turned beet red and averted her gaze. She couldn't even stay mad at him. Not when he looked so repentant. Especially combined with the promise of pizza. In her moment of weakness, she let her guard down and released the doorknob. Taking advantage, Kelley pushed forward and entered her bedroom. What he discovered next, nearly broke his heart.

Drawers and closet had been emptied. Her big suitcase, the one she'd shown up with was open on the bedroom floor, filled with her things. On the very top was the Hello Kitty pyjamas set, folded neatly.

"What's this all about, Becky?" he asked with his heart in his throat.

"What does it look like? I'm leaving!" she said, trying very hard to remain unemotional. "I can't stay here. You were right. You were all right."

"But you can't leave. Where will you go?" He turned towards her.

"Away from here," she said, unsure. In actuality, she didn't know where she'd go, only that she could no longer stay there.

"Why?" he asked, sitting down on the edge of her bed.

"You know why," she said, hugging her arms around herself.

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