Chapter 25

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Becky soon lost count of how many zombies, witches, and vampires arrived for the party. She realized then just how out of place her choice of costume had been. Crispin was right, a fairy princess, indeed. What had she been thinking?

The carriage house had been transformed into the perfect venue for such a spooky party. With the only source of light coming from strategically placed vintage lanterns, the space took on a convincingly creepy ambiance. Dorian had done an amazing job on the decorations. There was alcohol aplenty and various snacks to be had. Loud droning Goth music vibrated throughout. Clusters of guests gathered around in different corners of the cavernous space. Some lucky couples were dancing to the current slow song. Others lingered by the frothy punch bowl.

Not knowing anyone well enough to approach them, Becky leaned quietly against the counter that lined the back wall of the garage. Once in a while one of her housemates would come over and check on her. For the most part, the guys blended in with the other costumed guests so well that Becky lost track of them in the crowded room.

She was just starting to think she would spend the entire evening in her own company when suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. She startled when she didn't initially recognize the tall male wearing a very intimidating mask.

"Becks, it's only me," Jax said, flipping the mask over his head, looking around covertly.

Becky frowned at him, not having expected to ever see him ever again. "Jax, what are you doing here?"

"Listen, can we go somewhere and talk?" he said with an apprehensive look around the room.

"You shouldn't be here. If Kelley or Crisp..."

"I know. They'd kill me. That's why I wore this mask," he said, pulling it back down over his eyes. "Please, Becky, can we go outside maybe?"

"Why?" Oh, bother, did he have to look so handsome underneath that mask? Why was she even talking to him? Hadn't he just dumped her the other week?

"Because I made a mistake," he said, taking her hand in his. "I... I was wrong."

"Fine, but only for a minute," she said, giving into the charming Goth.

Once outside in the backyard, Jax finally relaxed enough to take off his mask. "God, Becky you look beautiful in that outfit," he said with a wolfish grin, roaming his eyes up and down her shapely body.

She looked good enough to eat. Perhaps he could do this waiting thing. As long as she didn't make him wait too long before allowing him into those lovely iridescent tights.

"What do you want, Jax?" she asked, her belly doing odd little flip flops at his compliment. Apparently she still had feelings for the guy, go figure.

"I want to give us another try," he said with a beguiling smile, his blonde hair farming his angelic face in the most intriguing manner. "I reacted badly the other day and I'm sorry."

"No kidding, you wanted nothing to do with me. Why the change of heart?"

Truth be told, he didn't really know why he'd come here tonight, perhaps he was feeling guilty for the way he treated her. Not to mention that he still found her incredibly appealing, even if she might be more of a bother than he was used to.

"I fucked up." He shrugged. "I miss you, Becks." He suavely ran his hand down the curve of her cheek. "Give us another shot, sweetheart. I promise things will be better this round."

Before she could stop herself, Becky nodded as though she were in a trance. Jax could be incredibly charming when he applied himself. Not wanting to spend the evening all by herself like a wallflower, she agreed to take him back.

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