3) Dafuq is in the Water???

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Suddenly, he grabbed the strap of my pack and hauled me to a cave to hide. "Get further back," he hissed. He didn't need to tell me twice; I quickly moved as far back into the cave as possible. Enough to where the entrance wasn't visible. "Xam, you okay?" he asked me. He shined a light in my direction. "Xam, you're paper white. Lay down," I didn't even get to reply when he helped me to the ground. "Drink."

I shook my head and grave it back, "We may need the water for later." I tried to rationalize what all was going through my mind, but my mind was in overdrive.

"I don't give a rat's ass, I know you Xam, I know what happens if you don't keep hydrated. Now drink." He pushed the canteen back into my now shaking hands.

By this time, my vision was starting to blur, and I knew what was happening. The pre-curser to my episodes. "It's happening..." I mumbled. My whole body began shaking as if I was freezing, sweat was dripping down my forehead, and my breathing became quick and shallow breaths as Darrius helped me.

"Pale, raise the tail, right?" he asked and I tried to nod. He piled the backpacks under my feet as he spoke the mantra to keep me talking. "It's okay Xam, it's okay. Just breathe, right? Keep breathing." Looking down at me, he must have thought I was freezing as he took off his jacket to cover me. "Stay with me, you hear? Don't go blacking out on me, you got that?"

Again, I tried to nod, and again Darrius tried to get me to drink, but I could not lift my head for the life of me.

"Come on Xam," Darrius pressed. "You need to drink, I know it's not iced, but it's water. It should help, right?" This time, I could not even manage to nod. My limbs were too cold, but my chest was too hot. Carefully and slowly, Darrius nudged his arm under my head and lifted my lips to the canteen. "Drink slowly."

That was easier said than done. You might as well have told a vampire on the brink of his final death not to gorge himself with blood. That and the water felt so good going down my parched throat. "Easy girl," he cooed as he pulled the canteen away from me. "Let me see those eyes," I was not even aware I had closed them, but I opened them up again all the same. "Good girl, now take it easy."

I managed a slight nod when he put the canteen back to my lips. "You're good now, right?" he asked as he touched the back of his hand to the side of my face. "Still a little clammy, but at least the shivers have gone down."

He was right, as more time passed, I found myself shaking less and less. Sadly, that did not mean I was ready to get up any time soon. "Do you think we have enough time to wait?" I asked weakly.

"I don't know Xam," he answered. "To be honest, I would prefer us leaving as soon as possible, but you take your time."

I shook my head and started to sit up knowing the more we stayed, the more likely it would be of us getting caught. I could not and would not let that happen on account of me.

"Xam, for the love of God, lie down. You're still too pale." Darrius carefully but forcefully laid me back down.

"Perhaps something with sugar will help. Juice? Candy bar? Anything?" I looked at him desperately. Not for food, but because I wanted to get us out of here and him to safety. I sat up again as he began rummaging through the backpacks.

He pulled out a candy bar, unwrapped it, and handed it to me. As I nibbled on it, I looked around the cave. It was dark and isolated. A good place to hide out if you were not being chased by all sorts of people. I tried focusing on the small stuff. Sounds. Vegetation. Tiny insects crawling around everywhere. Anything to keep me from looking into those big brown worried eyes. Worried eyes connected to that worried face which was now focused on me.

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