Mistakes in the port pt. 1

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"Taehyung, i think we need Rum."

"Eh?" The said boy turned his head to peer at his bestfriend strangely, wondering what the hell was wrong with him to be making that proposition.

"But you can't handle any alcohol except light beer Chim." Taehyung stated matter of factly, before returning his gaze towards his iPhone.

He had been busy going through his official Instagram, checking in with the current news about him, which ofcourse maybe still revolved around the parking lot incident from yesterday.

Jimin released a huge sigh and jumped off from where he was sitting, upon a row of steel railings lining the docks.
They were hanging out by the Busan sea harbour as had been planned the previous day.

He turned around and leaned against the banister, looking up at the dark sky that seamlessly merged into the huge black ocean beneath. It was already past nine in the evening since they had to fly in there all the way from Seoul.

Jimin also spotted some white dots flying across the dark expanse-- Seagulls, squaking away to god knows where and that made him smile, a gentle eye scrunch as he took in the soft smell of salt in the air.

He loved spending his time here, in Busan to be specific, because it was his homeland. And Taehyung grew up in Daegu, a bit far into the land, which explains why he too loved visiting here whenever Jimin felt homesick.

"I thought you were upset and wanted to get wasted? I was just helping." Jimin shrugged casually, as he hopped on his toes and peered above his taller friend's shoulder, trying to see what he was looking at.

What came up in the screen made both the boys grimace.

What came up in the screen made both the boys grimace

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Jimin bit his lip and slowly looked beside him to check Taehyung's expression and just as expected, the boy suddenly looked upset but even so, not all that surprised.

"Uh, i think its enough Instagram for the day," the shorter boy grabbed the phone from Taehyung's hand and slipped it into his own pocket."And for the whole year infact..."

"I think you're right, i need some rum too." Taehyung sighed, also jumping off from the railings and landing swiftly on his heeled boots."The stupid magazine could atleast pick a better cover? I look like something got into my pants."

"But something did, right?! Or rather someone--" Jimin quickly stopped joking when his friend gave him the stink eye." Okay okay, no joking about dicks being dicks tonight, got that."

Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked away from the docks, towards the direction of the cargo terminus where a number of smaller ships and yachts were anchored and lined up. His eyes fell on a small inn by the side of the ships and he frowned. He hadn't seen a setup like that one before?

Jimin walked up behind his friend and found him eyeing the inn curiously.

"I think that's for sailors." He commented, nodding at the group of white clad men standing around the area of the inn. "Those people tend to set up temporary shacks in whichever port they land, mainly for food and drinks i assume."

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