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Jungkook was in a hurry.

For the ravenette it had been quite sometime since he had last felt the need to visit a shopping mall and unfortunately for him, when the day had finally arrived it was accompanied with a dust storm in the city.

He recalled the way his ears had been blown off by Yoongi's constant groaning because of the awful weather and the fact that their jeep had no hood to it. Ofcourse, the older was known to hate water spraying on top of him for whatever reason.

But Jungkook on the other hand didn't mind it as much, always having an affinity for the tiny droplets splintering in the sky. His subconscious linked the caress of those drops soaking into his skin with liberty itself. He had adored the rains as they'd always let him feel free.

The ride took them a while, since the busy roads were jammed up with a terrible traffic but the duo breathed a sigh of relief when they finally reached their destined shopping mall in the heart of some big city. They parked the jeep a few streets away and walked upto the building, Yoongi's jaw dropping to the floor as his smallish eyes sized up the enormity of it all. The first thing he did was to snap his head at Jungkook and ask him why the fuck were they even there.

"To shop." Jungkook answered simply, while attempting to brush off some water droplets from his black leather jacket.

Yoongi stilled gaped at him, going to confirm that he definitely had to be kidding but Jungkook beat him to it and shook his head.

"No I'm not." The younger answered the unasked question before grabbing the older's arm and dragging him to the huge entrance.

They reached the security check and Yoongi was more than a hundred percent sure that the guard wouldn't let someone with as shabby appearance as theirs to even lurk around the area, let alone enter that obvious rich men's den, but was surprised when they were let in just like others.

The interior to the building was just as overwhelming, if not more, shimmering with all whites and golds and intermittent potted greens and Yoongi just couldn't hold himself in any further.

"Jungkook... what in the Jack's ass do you think we are doing in a place like this?"

Jungkook stopped on his tracks and turned back to look at his hyung with a confused raised brow. "What do you mean hyung?"

"You know exactly what I mean!" Yoongi hissed, already beginning to feel out of place and self conscious.

"You think... we can't shop here?" Jungkook guessed looking over at the older ravenette who simply rolled his eyes.

"Eureka! Thanks to the devil you figured it out." Yoongi faked a smile before it dissappeared, replaced with a scowl."Now let's get the fuck out of here before we get noticed or something."

"But... why?" Jungkook asked again, seeming really confused for a moment. "It's a shopping mall and a lot of people shop here."

"And what about the money that is needed to buy such things, kook? Where's that gonna come from? A tree?" Yoongi pinched his nose at the younger's stupidity before stepping closer into the boy's earshot.

"Do you realize the greens that one needs to buy things from a big shoppé like this...? we do not have! Not unless we loot this place or some bank or something and I'm sorry but I won't be robbing a place today!"

Jungkook's expressions turned from confused to slightly annoyed and then it was Jungkook's turn to pinch the bridge of his nose.

"Hyung... we are not going to rob anyone today." The younger informed him in a flat voice, "If we would be, I'd remember to tell you beforehand and actually plan to involve Hosoek hyung way before I'd think about involving you."

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