Mr. V

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Taehyung's pov:


All i feel... is suffocation. I can feel it in my chest that rose and descended slowly, forcefully shrunken, simultaneously constricting all the connected air pipes right up to my throat. It was difficult to keep breathing.

My head spun even through closed lids, presenting colorful lights and fluorescent hues in my head, changing patterns more haphazard than a negative filmstrip.

I could feel my senses highten, even though i still couldn't bring myself to open my eyes yet. They felt so heavy... but not more than the static electronic buzz coming from a distance, wrecking havoc to my ears.

Slowly, i managed to lift a hand and slap it over my aching cochlea and tuned out the sharp noise, a groan managing to rip past my dry throat.

God wow. Feels like the shittiest hangover of the decade.


I sensed another sound and stilled at my spot, lying on the bed. It was softer note, quite different from the irritating mechanical buzz and coming from somewhere closer, maybe even right next to me. I couldn't comprehend what it was... but the closest guess would be footsteps? Was someone else here with me?

Wait a minute... where in the name of Gucci am i?

I heard the sound again, a boot tap against metal pretty clear this time, and willed myself to open my lead laden eyelids somehow. When i did, the first thing that came up was darkness, which was anticipated but fearsome nonetheless. A pitch blackness surrounding all dimensions, such that wherever i looked at felt like a bottomless pit leading to the void.

I could feel my heartbeat accelerate at just that sight. I hate darkness. Absolutely fucking detest it!!

My throat closed up as anxiety began building in my abdomen. My mind was already in shambles-- running all over the place to find out where the hell could i have ended up.

Was it some post party hangover? Drinks with friends gone wrong? Jimin's house? Why the hell couldn't i remember a thing? What was happening--

My thoughts met a sharp brake when a sudden yellow light broke out of a random spot in the darkness and struck right through my weakened, hooded eyes. I flinched at the sudden intrusion, a whimper automatically leaving my lips when i brought a hand up to block the bright light.

It took me a few seconds to stabilize my vision and squint up at the source of the light through furrowed brows. As soon as i did though-- all the blood seemed to freeze down in my veins.


A tall figure with bright eyes. Pale complexion and sleek face defined by short dark hair. A few pieces of metal reflecting from above the left eyebrow and also bottom of the lower lip.

That's all Taehyung's hazy eyes could catch at the moment he saw him. But that moment and that face was enough for him to soon realize who it was.

"S-sailor-- guy?" Taehyung let out, voice unknowingly reduced to a quivering mess."y-you? wh-at--"

And then everything came flooding back. The night out with Jimin on the Busan port, the drinking, the brawl in the inn, Taehyung helping the wounded sailor and his friend, then going to drop him to the ship and--

"Fuck shit!!" The idol yelped suddenly, looking up at the unmoved man with eyes wider than saucers."y-you--- you're the guy who--who-- oh my god!"

Taehyung looked around frantically, the surroundings appearing more clear under the moon beams filling up the space. He sat up on a soft mattress and registered himself to be situated in a compact dark room. No other person in sight. Neither a door for that matter.

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