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Jungkook closed the door behind him and stepped into the room slowly, dead eyes glancing between a cool faced Yoongi and a fuming Taehyung.

"Care to explain...?" Jungkook questioned in his low voice, looking over at Yoongi for response but Taehyung beat him to it, quickly getting on his feet and charging towards him.

"Although i don't owe you any explanations--" the idol said looking up at the other's slightly taller frame,"--i think your friend here is a stupid mutt who has no clue when to stop talking!"

Jungkook furrowed his brows at the words but an amused expression soon painted his face as he immediately his  exchanged glances with Yoongi who too  appeared surprised and even marginally offended for getting called that by the idol.

"He is?" Jungkook asked, trying to sound serious and crossed his arms over his chest, looking down at him.

"Yes-- yes he is. He's so stupid-- i haven't even met him for a day and he already infuriates me by saying all that crap--" Taehyung went on without much thought, puffing like a cute little kid who got called fat in the first day of school, momentarily forgetting where he was standing. That was-- in front of his own kidnappers.

He was insulted by this man and god forbid if Taehyung let that go without getting back at him with whatever he had-- which at the moment was nothing but telling on him to someone.

To think of it... complaining about one of his Kidnappers to the other, who not to mention was also the alleged mastermind of the whole ordeal didn't  make a lot of sense but at the same time-- was a very Taehyung like thing to do.

"But what did he say?" The raven haired pried, turning to face the older, the amused expression still etched on his face,"Hyung??"

"Yeah no-- wait up," Yoongi stood up from his tool, taking a few fast steps with his uncharacteristic short legs and reached the duo, looking slightly pissed as he did.

"First off-- im not stupid. I'm extremely smart. You're the dumb one here--" the order said pointing at Taehyung, "Otherwise i wouldn't have been the one to abduct you and you wouldn't have been standing there right now. And Secondly--" Yoongi turned to face Jungkook with a fire in his feline eyes,"I'm not a mutt-- like what the hell? No one has ever called me a mutt!"

"And i care because...?" The idol sassed rolling his eyes."You said mean things as well!"

Jungkook frowned and sighed, dropping his hands before facing Yoongi who was busy shooting daggers at the idol's face.

"Hyung, you know the rules-- don't say mean things to Mr. V." The younger said sounding slightly disappointed, making the older boy scoff in response.

"I didn't say mean things. I just called him dumb--which he is-- and a bottom during sex, thats it!?."

The statement caused the idol to turn completely red-- from previous anger or newfound embarrassment on being called that in front of a third person-- couldn't be made sure of. He released a small screech, followed by an unmanly 'shut up!' at the older's face.

Jungkook, on the other hand had a whole different reaction to the simple statement spoke by his older friend. He froze on his spot in the cabin, dark eyes going blank as they eyed Yoongi. Within seconds his whole face and body became rigid and unreadable, save for the subtle clenching of his fists by the sides.

Everything went silent for a moment, Taehyung busy hiding his red cheeks in his palms to have noticed the sudden change, but Yoongi on the other hand did. He went oddly quiet, especially since he noticed the look Jungkook was giving him. The borderline scary one.

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