The Brat

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When Taehyung had requested to keep the television on all through his dinner time, Jungkook hadn't expected it to go for more than an hour.

But then here he was three hours later, still sitting where he was- right next to the idol, with eyes drooping closed every 2 minutes before he fluttered and blinked them open to keep himself awake.

And Taehyung? Well he was having the time of his life while he slowly lowered his chopsticks and picked up a noodle from his somewhat half full bowl and slipped it into his mouth, his sharp cat eyes blown wide as they stared into the running TV with utmost interest.

Yoongi had already gotten tired and retired to bed a couple of hours ago, grumbling under his breath about how slow of an eater such a famous idol could be but Jungkook, who decided to stay back and accompany him knew exactly what the idol was doing-- attempting to rile him up.

And the mere act did nothing else but amuse the kidnapper to no extent. Only if he knew how far and deep Jungkook's tolerance and patience could run when it came to Taehyung.

One and half hour into Taehyung's endless supper consumption, Jungkook bit his lip to stop himself from smiling when he noticed how the idol would pick on the food and play around with it, before picking up one single strand of the noodle and placing it in his mouth. Such a brat, Jungkook thought but shook his head and let out his smile anyway.

But he is my brat afterall.

Right now, it was close to 4 in the morning, subtle hints of daylight filling up the dark room although there was no proper way for any sunlight to come in. Jungkook covered his yawn for the umpteenth time and looked over at Taehyung who was still fiddling with his bowl, food still present but definitely not edible anymore.

Even the idol looked tired from all dragging and scraping, the way his lashes fluttered in intervals as if fighting his sleepiness made the kidnapper let out a small fond smile.

"Are you finally done eating Mr. V?" Jungkook teased, his voice sounding grainy from exhaustion but a sense of ever lasting contentment still present in every slur."I think even the TV could use some sleep now hm?"

He watched as the idol sighed quietly to himself, his dough cheeks puffing up as he still peered down at his bowl like a sulking child. Jungkook could tell Taehyung was upset because his plan on riling him up had clearly failed but he was also too exhausted to put up more fights.

So Jungkook hummed quietly and got up, deciding to let the idol rest for the night so they could continue their banter tomorrow. He grabbed the remote and switched the television off, which too had nothing but mundane midnight ads going off. Jungkook stretched his back upto a satisfying crack and was about to walk out of the room when the idol stopped him midway.


Jungkook turned to face the blue haired, who was now looking up and straight into his eyes with his own sleepy kitten ones.

"Yes, Mr. V?" The raven questioned, voice a sweet slur.

"Sleep with me."

Jungkook swore he nearly choked on his spit, twice, and doubled over mentally when he heard the world famous idol say that statement just like that. He instinctively stumbled back a little and stared down at the poker faced blue haired man with wide eyes.

"Wh-what--? Did you-um... say?"

"You heard me." The idol huffed, rolling his eyes."Sleep with me... on this bed." He said pointing a finger at the cozy arrangement he was sitting heaped upon.

Jungkook coughed and cleared his throat, wide eyes looking all around the room as he felt nervousness creep in for the first time in a long while. But it wasn't something new to Jungkook. Taehyung was the only one who could make him nervous.

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