Game on, Jeon

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Time seemed to fly as nobody quite realized how one week had already swept by.

In that one week nothing really special happened, save for the fact that after that night Taehyung's fever went down the very next morning and the two never slept beside each other again.

Let alone sleeping, Jungkook and Taehyung barely even spoke to each other.

I mean, how would they? Afterall Taehyung had hardly put up any protests in the past few days- eating all his meals on time and then going to sleep as he had nothing else to do. He was unusually quiet these days, always keeping to himself and just staring into space with a dazed, day dreaming look.

To Yoongi, who kept on appearing in front of the idol to give him his food four times a day, all of this sudden mute behavior was nothing but an act. He was sure of it. Yoongi knew something was definitely going on with Taehyung because he remembered the idol's fierce nature in the initial days of his Kidnapping. But he couldn't pin point the exact thoughts running through the blue head's mind.

And same was the case with Jungkook.

After that night, not only did Taehyung but something within Jungkook had also changed. Jungkook had become much more reserved now. He didn't speak a lot  either. Like Taehyung, he too was mostly lost in his thoughts but unlike his blue haired idol, Jungkook's behavior was getting more and more aggressive nowadays.

The raven has always been known to keep his calm. Even in the worst of conditions, Jungkook was strong headed and never lost his cool. But recently it was as if something had snapped within his mind and Yoongi would often find him repeatedly punching the wall with his closed and already bruised fists, muttering something akin to curses under his breath.

Also, Jungkook was steering clear of having any type of direct contact or confrontation with his idol, which made the ordeal all the more confusing.

Yoongi's natural knack for digging deeper into the issue kept pushing him to find out what exactly happened that one night but he controlled himself. For now.

Because he had greater things to worry about- like how to not get caught by the Korean police and national Intelligence, who were all over the country looking just for them.

One week had passed and Yoongi needed an update on the police's status over the Kim Taehyung Kidnapping case. But unfortunately for him, Jungkook remained unresponsive... even slightly uninterested about what the police was doing right now. He was confident that it would take quite a few days for the thick headed suited men to reach them but Yoongi wasn't having it. He needed to be sure.

So, even though he was reluctant he had to step out of their hideout and get on that jeep to look for agent H, again.


"Well wow... hello there, pussy cat!" Came the sound of a familiar mocking whistle and Yoongi rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Don't call me that," Yoongi snapped, narrowing his eyes at the sunny smile flashed by the younger man, "Jung."

"Ouch- Jung?!" Hoseok fake winced, lifting a hand to hold his chest as if pained, "even Agent H sounded better from your pretty little mouth hyung."

"Okay then Agent H, why don't you just shut the fuck up and get to the point already? What's the status of the police on the Kidnapping?" Yoongi intervened rudely, making sure his sharp eyes glowered up at the taller male now smirking in front of him.

"Sure," Hoseok quipped, licking his lips as his happy smile didn't leave his lips for once. He spun on his feet to leave but then stopped and turned back, startling the smaller man who was about to follow behind.

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