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After we questioned the girls Daniel and Dylan went to show them around and my grandpa went to go deal with some business, so that left me and Carl alone once again. We were just sitting in the living room cuddling. I was happily laying ontop of his chest and his arms were wrapped around me protectively. I was about to fall asleep until Carl spoke up.

" Baby let's do something I'm bored." Carl said playing with the ends of my hair.

" Like what?" I asked repositioning myself so I could look him in his beautiful blue eyes.

" I don't know?" He said shrugging his shoulders.

" Your so helpful." I said sarcastically and rolling my eyes.

" Thanks I try." He said rolling his eyes at me.

" I have an idea." I said jumping off of Carl and holding my hands out to pull him up he gladly took my hands.

" What's this great idea of yours." Carl asked wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder.

" Well we haven't really looked around the house since we got here, and the basement is really nice and has a really comfy couch and boardgames." I said excitedly.

" Did you say boardgames?" Carl asked turning me around in his arms with a huge smile.

" Yup...prepare to lose." I said running out of his arms and down the stairs to the basement. I looked around and nothing has changed it looks like what it did when we left it and I'm so happy about that.

I stood there for a minute just taking everything in. The way it smells a little like vanilla, the way everything is still in its proper places and the way all the framed family pictures are still in the right places, it looks so untouched and I couldn't be happier, it feels like my family is still here. If only they really were.

I brought from my thoughts by Carl wrapping his arms around me from behind and resting his head on my shoulder gently kissing it.

" You okay?" Carl asked softly while rocking us back and forth.

"'s just it feels like's the exact same as when me and my family lived here." I sighed leaning back into Carl's chest.

" Isn't that a good thing?"Carl asked slightly confused.

" Yeah it just reminds me of makes me feel like when I turn around they'll be right there...then I remeber there gone." I said getting slightly emotional I could feel the tears brimming my eyes. Carl turned me around in his arms and kissed my forehead.

" You have to remeber even though there gone they'll always be here. You'll always have a special place in your heart for them. Don't try and forget them your memories of them are all you have left. Just because this place reminds you of them doesn't mean you should be all sad about it you should be happy that you are in the place you grew up with so many happy memories attached to it." Carl said never shifting his gaze from my eyes. I leaned in and kissed him passonietly. After we pulled apart I rested my forehead onto his.

" I love you." I said and a huge smile appeared on his face.

" I love you can we play some boardgames?" Carl asked but I couldn't help but laugh at him and grabbed his hand and led him to the closet where all the boardgames asked are kept.

" Of course." I said with a huge smile.

Carl and I played boardgames for hours until we heard someone knock contact knock on the door. Both Carl and I got up to answer it. When we opened the door we saw Rick, Daryl, Carol, Michonne and Noah.

" Hey guys what's up?" Carl asked.

" Can we talk?" Rick asked.

" Of course come in." I said opening the door for all of them to come in. Once they all made it in I closed the door and led them to the living room.

Daryl, Carol and Noah sat on one couch and Rick and Michonne sat on the other one leaving Carl and I to sit in the chair. Carl sat down first and pulled me into his lap.

" So what did you guys want to talk about?" I asked looking at all of them searching for an answer.

" Claire can we really trust the people here?" Rick asked throwing me off guard.

" What do you mean?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

" I just want to know if it came to it the people here would there for is if we need them they don't know what it's like out there." Rick said sighing.

" Rick you can trust the people here I've known most of them my entire me when the time comes they will be there for you." I said being completely honest because when I was here before there had been a few times that I've had close calls and someone was always there helping me out.

"If you say so." Rick sighed.

" It's a nice place you got here." Carol commented with a huge smile.

" Thanks I grew up in this house." I said returning the smile.

" How are you guys settling in?" I are asked them after a few moments of silence.

" It's great's so nice to be somewhere where you don't have to constantly look behind your back." Noah said with a smile.

" Got an eye on any girls?" I asked causing everyone in the room to laugh.

" Maybe." Noah said slightly embarresed.

" Aww what's her name I probably know her." I said causing Carl to laugh.

" Leave him alone...he'll tell if he wants to." Carl said shaking his head at me.

" I want to know so I could set you guys up." I said with a pout.

" Her names Emma." Noah said giving in. A huge smile appeared on my lips.

" I just so happen to know Emma pretty well...She just so happens to be my cousin." I said and Noah laughed.

" Of course she is...are you related to everyone here?" Noah asked and I rolled my eyes.

" A good majority." I said causing everyone to laugh again.

Everyone stayed for a while and chatted but they all eventually left. I enjoyed talking to all of them like this its really nice to have gained some of are old ways back everyday here were gaining a little bit of our humanity back. And I've got to say it's thrilling me but also scaring me. When you get comfortable in this world that's when shit goes down when you least expect it.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2015 ⏰

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