Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Linda

Linda came from a poor family. Linda's parents died when she was a child. Linda grew up on the streets. Linda was a strong woman. Linda works as a maid. Linda did not get paid much. Linda works really hard. Linda's employers were really mean to her. Linda just ignores her employers because she really needs the job. Linda heard her employers talking about King Arthur and his wife Queen Katherine. King Arthur was the king of Russia. Queen Katherine was King Arthur's second wife and she was pregnant. This would be the second child of King Arthur and the first child for Queen Katherine.

Linda was on her way home when she saw a handsome man looking at her. The man walks up to her. "My name is Maurice Ross. What is your name?" Maurice asks. "My name is Linda Parson," Linda introduces herself. "I know we do not know each other well, but I was wondering if you would like to have coffee with me?" Maurice asks. "I would love to," Linda replied. They went to a fancy coffee shop. Linda really loves coffee. Linda had never been to a coffee shop before because she was broke.

Linda and Maurice went to the movies. Linda had a great time. Linda did not have many friends. Linda has lived in Paris since she was born. Linda did not want Maurice to know she was homeless. Linda was embarrassed to be homeless. Linda lived in an old abandoned house, but the house was in bad shape. Linda uses the little money she had for food. Linda was trying to find a second job. Maurice told her he was a traveling salesman. Maurice sold jewelry boxes and picture frames. Maurice did not make much money, but he made enough to get by.

Maurice walks Linda home. Maurice went home to work on his jewelry boxes. Maurice made the jewelry boxes he sold. Maurice could not stop thinking about Linda. Maurice did not get along with his brother Martin. Martin thought Maurice was a loser. Martin has always helped Maurice with money. Martin had to stop helping Maurice because he was becoming broke himself. Martin cut Maurice off. Maurice was not angry with Martin for not helping him money-wise, but he was angry with Martin for always criticizing him.

King Arthur

The whole kingdom was happy about the queen being pregnant. The kingdom was hoping for a son. The king already had a son from his first wife. King Arthur's wife dies giving birth. King Arthur made Queen Katherine stay in bed to rest and he did not want his wife to have any stress while she was pregnant. Queen Katherine did not get along with her stepson Victor. King Arthur sends Victor away to school. Queen Katherine was glad that her husband was standing up for her.

Weeks later, Queen Katherine went into labor. Queen Katherine gave birth to a son. The whole kingdom was happy and King Arthur was even happier. Prince Victor was jealous of his half-brother. Queen Katherine could tell that Prince Victor did not like her son. They named their son Henry. Henry was a beautiful baby. Queen Katherine knew her son was going to be handsome. Queen Katherine did not want her son to be spoiled like his half-brother Prince Victor.

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