Chapter 2

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Chapter 2: Wedding Plans

Maurice has been seeing Linda for a while. Maurice wanted to ask Linda to marry him, but he wanted to make some more money so he could support a wife and a family. Maurice was already looking at houses for him and Linda. Maurice knew that Linda had a hard life and he wanted to take care of Linda. Maurice was working really hard to get a nice house. Maurice's parents were disappointed in him and they wished he would be more like Martin. Maurice's parents did not live in Paris.

Linda worked really hard today. Linda was tired and she wanted to go to bed. Maurice was at work tonight. Linda got something to eat and she went to bed. Later, Linda woke up and it was already late. It was a cloudy day. Linda heard it was going to storm, but it was not storming too bad. Linda got her things ready for work for tomorrow. Maurice sends Linda some flowers. Linda was really happy with Maurice. Maurice left a letter in the flowers telling her he made plans for them the next day. Linda could not wait to see Maurice.

The next day Maurice took Linda out to eat on the beach. "I love you Linda and I hope you will be my wife?" Maurice asks happily. "I love you too and I would be glad to be your wife," Linda replied. Maurice was happy and he could not wait to start a family with Linda. Linda was happy too because she was not going to be alone anymore. They went to a club and they danced. Linda felt bad she did not have any family or friends. The only person Linda had was Maurice.

Weeks later Linda and Maurice got married. Martin did let Maurice use his cabin for his honeymoon. Linda was really happy and she could not wait to be a mom. Linda was thinking about baby names. Linda wanted to name the baby Jane or Isabelle if it was a girl. If she had a boy she wanted to name the baby Edward. Maurice already got a house. The house was not big, but it was big enough for a family.

King Arthur

King Arthur was throwing a party for his son Henry. Everyone in the kingdom was invited. Queen Katherine was getting ready for the party. Prince Victor was away at school. Queen Katherine was happy that Prince Victor was away at school. Queen Katherine wishes she could like Prince Victor, but he was hard to get along with. Everyone in the kingdom came to the party. Everyone was dancing and eating when a woman came in. "I am glad everyone is having a great time!" The woman replied angrily. King Arthur was angry to see this woman."What are you doing here Rose?!" King Arthur asks angrily. "I am here to make you pay for what you did to me!" Rose yells. "I did not do anything to you!" King Arthur yells. "You broke my heart! You owe me. If I have a daughter I want your son to marry my daughter. If I have a son I want your daughter or granddaughter to marry my son. I will curse the kingdom if you do not grant my request!" Rose replied angrily.

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