1 - Stop hating me

772 35 2

September 5th, 2021

Text Messages

Person 1 speaking/texting

Person 2 speaking/texting

I shouldn't love you.

Then leave me.

I can't


Because I can't stop loving you

Just stop

You're so insensitive

Then fucking dump me

What don't you get about I can't?

Any of it. You say you hate me, that you don't need me, that you shouldn't love me but you stay. Why?

Because I love you.


And love is powerful

More powerful than hate?

I guess so.

Hmm alright then

Do you love me?

I hate you.


I love you

I'm confused

I love you more than life itself.

Then why do you tell me to leave you?

Because it's easier


It's easier for you to be gone than for me to love you. To know how to love you.

Start by not hating me.

New book! Very blunt first chapter, I know but that's by design lol 💖

Very different than normal, I know but trust the process!

Also who's saying what will turn up eventually, I want you guys to be in the dark like they are. It is Cheryl and Toni though.

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