4 - Honey

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September 23rd, 2021 around 4:45 PM

(August 23rd is their "anniversary")

So... we've been in love for a month...

Gotten in over 100 fights...

Love each other to death...

Oh really now? Cause of death: Love

If you're gonna do it hurry

Double texting, you must really like me 😏

I don't.

Yeah yeah, how old are you.

I'm an age.

Oh rlly? Let me guess. 57







No but it ends in a 7


Absolutely not



Ah! So I really am your first love, exciting!!

What you thought I was just lying the whole time? And why is that exciting? Are you some 57 year old who likes children?? 🤨

No, I'm 17 too.


Is that one of your good "Oh"s?

Do you want it to be?


Then you can believe that it is

Can I get your name? I mean your name in my phone is loml because I don't even know what to call you.

Your name in my phone is +1 (010) 998- 2734

I don't doubt that.

I will give you one letter of my name every day. But you have to earn it


Not like that. Every day you make me laugh I'll give you a letter.

I make you laugh?

More like slightly exhale through my nose

Okay! Deal! So how many letters in tour name?


Really??!! That's like none

Easier to get my name

There are no names with 4 letters!! Is it Lily?

No it's more badass than a flower

Fine 😤

But I can't identify you through 4 letters

That's the point, honey.


You don't want me to call you that?

Well was it a sarcastic honey or a 35 yr old couple's pet name honey?

Well we're supposed to be in love I mean... I just thought that you were supposed to call the person honey or something sweet and what's sweeter than honey so like yeah.

Are you... flustered?

I've never done this okay! I don't know how to be in a relationship

You've never been in a relationship?

No shit

No wonder you're so bad at this.

Okay I take that back

I'm sorry can we keep talking?

Do I at least get a letter?


I'm sorry for the lack of updates, I was really sick over the week. Much better now though!

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