2 - Trust me

443 30 3

September 9th, 2021

Text Messages

P1:                                                      P2:

4:37 PM] I got a 98 on my test!!

[4:50 PM] Mmm

[4:51 PM] Are you happy for me?

[4:52 PM] I'm interested... I guess

[4:52 PM] I don't understand you

[4:53 PM] Trust me, I don't either

[4:56 PM] Trust you? Is that something new for us?

[4:56 PM] Do you want it to be?

[4:56 PM] Yes

[4:56 PM] Then no

[4:56 PM] Seriously? We love each other why do you treat me like this?

[4:57 PM] We love each other and we've never talked in person for fuck's sake! I don't know how to love someone I don't know and even if I did it coulnt be much better than this

[4:58 PM] Why is that? Why can't you love me, hmm? I think I deserve some type of explanation for why you've treated me so cold.

[4:58 PM] I've never known love. You happy now?

[4:58 PM] Yes

[4:50 PM] What? I thought I was supposed to be the mean one

[4:51 PM] I'm happy you opened up to me. Even if it's not a lot of info I'm proud of you for telling me. So thank you and good job :)

[4:51 PM] Why are you here for me?

[4:52 PM] We all need someone. And if that can be me then I'm here.

[4:54 PM] Why?

[4:54 PM] Because I love you.

The immediate feedback I got yesterday upon posting the new stories warmed my heart so much. Seriously, you guys made my day. ❤️❤️

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