5 - T

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September 24th, 2021 Around 8 PM

Are you cute?


Are you saying that to be humble or because you're ugly?

Because I'm ugly

I bet you're not, babe. What're some  beautiful features of yours?

None are beautiful. That's the point of being ugly

Stop calling yourself ugly.

Why? Not like you care

I do care

Why would you

Because I'm in love with you hellooo??

But you don't know what I look like helloo??

Fair pint


Well can you at least give me a hint?

I'm biracial or mixed or wtv you wanna say

... okay mixed with what?

Well... my dad is black. My mom is Spanish and I have Indigenous heritage sprinkled in my family tree.

Oh look at you talking about yourself!! It makes me so happy when you do 😁😁



I exhaled slightly through my nose, so T.

Ohhhhh your name starts with T. Okay so you in the mood to talk abt yourself today I see. You're crazy if you think I'm not taking advantage of that


Yes. So... what's your favorite color and why are you so mysterious?

Every time I let someone in I lose another piece of myself.

Very emo omg

I'm mot trying to be "emo" that's literally my trauma wtf.

Oh I didn't know that, I'm sorry I thought you were trying to be like those fake depressed kids who wear all black and randomly yell "I'm gonna kms" in the halls while laughing. I'm sorry I really didn't know. I find those people so annoying because depression and mental health hits close to home for me but I didn't wanna make the conversation dark. I'm sorry for assuming.

Quite the apology. I accept it because theses no way for you to tell that I was being serious so it's whatever


Don't do what

Do what?

"K" really? You're so energetic and annoying now you're texting "K" look dude it wasn't that big of a deal. If you woulda said "hahahaha loser" or some bull shit then I would've been offended. "Emo" is mot even close to being on the list of worst insults I've gotten, trust me.

I knew you secretly cared.

Out of all that that's what you got? That I care? And about what exactly?

You just care in general. All the "whatever" and the ignoring me, you secretly care about this conversation, maybe even this relationship

You found that out just because I forgave you? Wow you must be desperate for any type of acceptance

First of all, ouch. Second, no. You cared enough to type out a small part of yourself life to tell it to me, and make it known that I didn't hurt you like I thought i did. If you didn't care you wouldn't have done that. 🎤 *mic drop* I rest my case

I hate you

And there's you putting up your walls again. I know this game T. I was the queen of it.

Talk to you tomorrow, mysterious T 😌

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