11 - Disgrace

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October 10th, 2021. Around 3:30 AM

I need to see you. Please I really need to.

Hey, what's going on Cher? Talk to me

Can we meet up please I need someone

Tell me what's going on baby

My mom. She threatened to kick me out again. She called me a disgrace because I got a 96 on my test and I just can't be here anymore. I'm at my best friend's house but I really want to see you, please?

I'm sorry I wish I could help

Don't say that please

Cher I'm so sorry

Please Toni, you said you loved me!

I do, baby. I'm seventeen I can't help. I could try and send you some money for a hotel.

I don't need a hotel got dammit I need someone to fucking care!

I do care, what do you need? Talk to me about it

I need a hug, a kiss. Someone to tell me that I'm not disgraceful.


Babe, please don't leave me waiting like this. I need you right now. I'm at my most vulnerable.

I talked to my dad. It's a Saturday so I can go out. There's a hotel on your side of town. I think it's called the Five Seasons. Umm we could go there if you'd like?

Really? You'd do that for me? I know it's late. I wasn't really expecting you to actually meet up with me. Now I feel awful for making you do this.

No, Cher. I want to. I've been wanting to see you since that night at Sweet Water River.

Do you have a way to get there?

Yes, what time should we meet?

I'll be there in 30 minutes

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