10 - love

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Hey honey!

Whoa! T, you texted first today!

Yeah, is that not okay?

No it's amazing. I squealed and threw my phone actually, It made me so happy.

What's got you in such a chipper mood today, my love?

Our first newspaper came out today and everyone loves the pictures that I took!!

That's incredible, T! I'm so proud of you.


You there?

Sorry, no one's every been so excited about these things with me it just hit a soft spot. We celebrate sometimes but I never get the "I'm proud of you talk" so I was just taken back a little.

I'm sorry to hear that, love. Just know I'm proud of you! I bet taking on photography as well as school must have been difficult, you did an amazing job ❤️

Thank you so much.

Speaking of newspapers. I heard that a group called the red circle? Somehow got rid of all the newspapers and stopped the mayor from seeing it?

I have no clue how that happened 😉


God, you're so good to me. You know that?

I try, Ton. You deserve it.

You know last month, when you asked if I sometimes thought about the way you look and sound and weirdly enough, smell?


I do wonder those things about you. And I do care. And I'm glad to have you. ❤️

Aww, Ton, I'm crying

I love you.

I love you too! 😘

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