10 - Ruined

321 30 2

October 5th, 2021 Around 5 PM

Tell me this isn't true. Tell me an article was not published about the Northside screwing over the serpents.

Oh it is true baby. I'm gonna make sure the entire town of Riverdale knows what they're doing to you and your community!

No! That's not a good idea.

This happened once before I was born. It damn near resulted in WWIII.

Come on Honey, I want to help you.

Not like this!

What? Why?
Remember I said I'd get my sources right next time instead of assuming?

Okay uh

So think of a lot of roaches in a dark room, when someone comes in and turns the light on what do they do?



Because they're scared

And because they're no longer safe where they are. You publishing that article just put the serpents and the Southside at risk.

Damn it

It's not too late though. As long as the mayor hasn't seen it yet we still have time

There's a digital version of it and you can never get rid of those.

Relax okay, we'll figure it out.



Talk to me, what's on your mind?

I can never do anything right.

What do you mean?

I always fuck everything up.

Come on, that's not true.

Yes it is! I fucked your life up, I fucked up my parent's marriage, my family's bond. I ruin everything.

Come on, Cher. Don't be so hard on yourself, baby.

You know my name?

Yeah I heard you scream it the other night. Listen, I know life gets shitty and it all feels like it's your fault but I guarantee that your parents marriage and your family's bond would not have lasted either way. If you were never placed on this Earth, your parents would still have broken up and your family as well.

How could you possibly know that?

Destiny. They were destined for that fate, your contribution is irrelevant when fate is involved.

And you believe that because...

Because fate led me to you, beautiful.

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