7 - Power Bottom

358 28 18

September 30th, 2021 around 3:30 PM

I just had the shittiest day ever. Can you cheer me up? 😕

Please? I feel like I can't go to anyone else, To.

To. What an ugly name

It's your name

Not yet, honey. To is only half. You'll get there, don't worry.

Wow. No snarky comment... are you okay?

Haha. Funny. I'm fine I'm home alone rn so no one to bug me

Parents out? God that's the best

Yeah, my dad has been out for I think 13 years and my mom for 7

Oh wow I'm sorry I didn't know

It's cool. That's what we're here to do, mot know and get to know. My dad went to jail for Burglary (15 yrs) and my mom for drug possession (2 yrs) she did her time, went to rehab, relapsed, got way worse and CPS took me. I was put into an adoption agency and now I'm here with my adoptive family.

Geez, T. It's amazing that you got through all that 😔

Even if I'm weird and mean?

Even if you're weird and mean ❤️

I'm supposed to be making you feel better not telling my life story. How about a game? 10 questions

Im pretty sure it's 20 questions

Nope, im gonna stay mysterious

Fine, you ask first

Why was your day so shitty?

That's not how- nvm

It was bad because someone brought up my dead brother...

Damn teens are assholes. Im sorry

It's alright I've leaned to deal with it. Talking to you helps tho ☺️😉

Do you play any sports?

No I hate working in a team. Do you have any pet peeves?

When people bite their nails. All the germs and then after you take tour hands out of your mouth you touch stuff and just... ew 🦠😷

I get that

When's your birthday?

August 23rd, yours? (Her birthday is their anniversary because that's the day they both turned 17. The day they were assigned to each other)

Happy late birthday. May 19

Happy late birthday 🥳 . What do you wanna be when you grow up?

Something to do with children, I've always wanted to be a child therapist so  kids can reflect on my traumatic childhood and see that it gets better.

That's great. What's your name?

My turn, T. You're not slick.

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