12 - Five Seasons

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At the Five Seasons. Same day. Around 4 AM

Toni's POV

I sat awkwardly on the fancy hotel bed, a white bedspread and sheets on the memory foam mattress. I looked around at the expensive room, everything was gorgeous and I felt so out of place.

I asked the lady at the front desk to give Cher a key once she arrives and I told Cher that I'm in room C213. She told me she'd be here soon.

I walked over to the nearest mirror. My brown hair was frizzy from falling asleep without a scarf. My eyes were tired and my posture was slouchy. My clothes were basic, boring. Nothing anyone would ever love.

My head shot toward the door as I heard a timid knock. I walked slowly on the carpeted floor, my hands shaking as I did so. I was almost unconsciously walking as I went to open the door. All I know about this girl is that she's amazing, I'm somehow in love with her, that she has money, she's white and she's tall.

Here goes, I guess...

Cheryl Blossom.

Cheryl Bombshell is my soulmate.

I stood in the doorway, shocked.

Out of all of the Northsiders I was expecting to see when I opened the door, Cheryl Blossom was the last.

It took everything in me not to wear my surprise on my sleeve in attempts to not make the teary eyed girl in front of me feel comfortable, but it was hard.

I mean, it all makes so much sense now. Tall, rich white girl with a dead brother, NAMED CHER. How could I never have put two and two together? Maybe because the way she texts and her personality is way different than her persona or I guess her facade that she puts up. I never knew Cheryl Blossom could be so vulnerable, so sweet, so loveable.

"hi baby" she said timidly, sniffling and holding her arms out to be embraced.

Pushing all of those thoughts to the back of my head, I instantly pulled her into me by her arms, wrapping them around my waist as I held her back and let her cry into my chest. I closed the door behind us and let her fall completely into my embrace. I held her tightly, remembering all the times I'd wished somebody would do the same for me. Now I get to be there for someone else, be someone else's person. It was a responsibility I didn't take lightly. I'd only known this girl a few months but I'd go to war for her happiness, seeing her like this made my heart ache.

"You're gonna be okay. I got you, honey. I'm here" I whispered gently into her ear, rubbing circles on her back while I massaged the top of her head, not knowing exactly how to console her but still trying my hardest.

"I hate her" I heard her say through gasps and hiccups.

"Who, your mom?" I asked, guiding her over to the bed, still holding her tightly in my arms.

"Yes! She... she's never loved me. I mean what the hell kind of mother is she?..." I could tell that now was one of those times where she needed someone to talk to more than she needed any responses so I just heard her out, saving any comments I felt I should say for when I knew she was done.

"and now here I am, pouring my emotions out to a stranger who.. who I just met and already somehow love more than I've ever loved her."

"And it's not.. it's not fair. Nothing is ever, ever good enough for her. Why was I cursed with Penelope Blossom as my mother." She sniffled, unlocking her arms from around my neck and pulling away to wipe her eyes with the sleeves of her white hoodie.

It was only now that I realized how intimate of a position we were in, her sitting on my lap with my hands on her waist. It felt so natural for us to be like this, even though it was the first time I'd ever touched her, it felt like I'd done it a million times before. Like my hands had a map of her body that my brain hadn't known about. Like this was meant to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19 ⏰

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