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September 25th, 2021 around 7 PM


What's up?

Wanna hear a joke?

Wanna tell me a joke?

Can you talk rn?

Hey come on, pleaseeee I just wanna talk a little bit.

why are you ignoring me more than usual?

Because I'm busy not that I have to tell you

I'm the love of your life so you kinda do. And busy doing what?

Stop being nosey.

Not until you tell me what you're doing 😇

More like a who




I'm just kidding honey. I'm doing my stupid homework. My English teacher is making us research something about a good role model or who inspires you.

Why do you have to play with my feelings like that? I'm really giving this my all and you don't seem to care

... it was a joke. Relax.

I can't just relax when the love of my life is an insensitive bitch.

Like I said. Every time I open up to someone a piece of me chips away. Thanks for wasting my time.

September 25th, 2021 Around 10:30 PM

Can we talk? Please I'm really sorry for blowing up on you like that earlier.

I shouldn't have called you an insensitive bitch, you told me why you act the way you do (trauma) and I'm sorry for not thinking before I said those things to you. I don't know if you blocked me or not but I'm sorry T.

It stung at first but I get why you did it. But you have to admit my joke was funny.

It wasn't. It broke my heart.

I don't understand how you don't know me but I "broke your heart"

I don't know, okay? When I text you I feel safe. Which is weird because you're weird and mean but I feel comfort when I talk to you. When I get a text from you I feel energized, like I want to talk forever and never stop. Like I wanna keep learning about this "Mysterious T" and make you realize that you're not as alone as you think. And that even though it's crazy I do love you. Yea I'm forced to but we don't have to give into it. And I'm giving into it because I love you, T.



You laughed at me pouring my heart out???

No but I think you deserve a letter after that. Look it's been enough time for us to realize that what we have is toxic and stupid and probably won't work out the way either of us expect it to. But talking to you makes me slightly exhale through my nose and no one does that. So maybe we can keep talking? And I'll try to be less insensitive.

You promise?

I promise honey


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