Chapter Twelve: Biana's POV

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Hey guys! So I know none of you will actually read this AN  but I just wanted to say that this artwork is absolutely AMAZING! If any of u know who drew this or if you have the time to decipher the signature, please either comment or send me a message on my profile if you have the answer. Thx! Now on to the story!

After we got Keefe back to the Lost Cities, we debated where Keefe would stay. He couldn't stay with us at Everglen because.... well Keefe sortamaybekindadidn'twannastaywithus... but anyway. 

At the end Keefe was staying with "Foster" until we found another better place for him. I was kinda worried because I knew that he's had a crush on her ever since he met her. I put that thought into a mental box named " Deal with later" and plastered a fake smile on my face.

" We have to go," I point to Fitz and then at myself ," The Councillors are coming to Everglen and our parents will KILL us if we are late." 

It wasn't a TOTAL lie! The Councillors were coming, just in a few hours.

" But Biana-" 

I cut Fitz off by putting my pathfinder into the light and pulling him into the swirling portal. 

When we got to Everglen I turned to face Fitz. 

" The Councillors are coming soon! What are you waiting for? GO GET DRESSED!!!" I yell at Fitz, in a fun tone, not a mean one.

" Okay Miss Bossy-Biana!" Fitz says, rolling his eyes. He runs upstairs and I follow.

 I go to my room and close the door. I sit down on my rolly chair. Now to figure out what to do. I sigh loudly. 

OH!  I know! I will get myself ready for the Councillors! Makeover Time!!!!! After a little thought, I found the PERFECT dress! 

Biana's Dress

Sorry that its so big!

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Sorry that its so big!

 I left my hair down with a teal bejeweled comb. When I looked in the mirror, instead of seeing a little girl who didn't know who she really was, I saw a powerful and majestic woman who knew her place in life. 

You go , girl!  I told myself and went downstairs. 

" Biana, honey! Please come down," My mom yells from the kitchen.

" Coming!" I yell back I look in the mirror one last time, and head downstairs.

" Hon, can you please, please, please make one of your famous dinners? I have a LOT to get done before the Councillors come," My mom pleads. 

" FINE!!" I say in a fake annoyed voice

Let me explain. I love baking and cooking and when my mom can't cook dinner cause she's busy, she asks me.  My mom went to go find a lot of fancy stuff for the dinner table, and  I got to work. I pulled out all my cookbooks ( I have a TON) and started looking for a fancy but delicious recipe. 

I finally settle on Crestleaf Corouna (A/N IDK!!). I follow the recipe and when I'm done, I have to say, it looks amazing. Unlike most elvin foods, this one actually looked GOOD! It was a soup with bright green leaves ( Crestleaves of course) when you take a slurp, the soup is sour but the semi-sweetness of the Crestleaves  evens it out. 

I finish with that and then start making the dessert. I already know what I wanna make: HavenBurst! It is gooey like Mallowmelt, but it feels more airy. When you bight into it, You can taste the sweetness but it also tastes flowery. It melts in your mouth. I've been making this dessert since I was really small, probably cause I made it up. 

I finish just in time, the Council arrive the second I have set the table. 

Now to see what the Council thinks about me and Sophie because I've decided to tell everyone today.

Dun Dun DUUN!!!  See! I UPDATED!  YAY MEEEEE!! Thank you guys sooooo much for getting 1k on this story! Next chapter will be a bonus chapter! Can't wait! It'll either be a Q&A chapter or a chapter with KOTLC memes... can't decide🤔🤔. Comment and tell me and you'll get a shout out! 


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