2K Bonus! Marellihn Special!

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Marella POV

"Hey, are you ok?" I asked Lihn for the millionth time this training practice. Her long, raven black hair was covering her face and she was looking at the ground.

This was NOT like Lihn. Usually, she was calm and easy-going, a complete opposite of my fiery, unruly self. I jumped into a battle without thinking, meanwhile, Lihn would make an amazing plan before doing anything. She was my rock. She kept me grounded and I have no idea what I'd do without her.

" I'm fine," her sad, hollow voice cut through my thoughts. 

" Lihn..." I said sternly, raising one eyebrow, "What's wrong?"

Suddenly, she burst into tears, her knees collapsing under her. I leaped toward her, catching her before she fell. Her tears soaked my shirt, but I didn't care, all I cared about right now was the girl in my arms. I gently set her on the floor and sat next to her. 

" What's wrong?" I asked, gently this time. I tucked a loose strand of her hair behind her ear. Lihn inhaled sharply, then slowly but surely, rested her head on my shoulder.

She took a deep breath and started.

" Well, about a week ago, I broke up with Wylie. I didn't see a connection so that's what I told him. He... he got really mad at me and now he's ignoring me. I didn't like him, Marella, but I still want his friendship!" By now she was back to crying.

" You know what? He's stupid to do that to you. You just wait, he'll come crying back to you, because honestly, you are literally the most amazing person EVER! If he's like that, you don't deserve him." Lihn gives me a small smile.

" Really? Thanks." She says blushing furiously.

" Yes! And I'm sure that there are plenty of people out there who like you. I would know..." I say, me being the one to blush this time. 

Lihn looks at me. She slowly lifts her head off my shoulder and touches my cheek. I blush even harder, turning into a tomato on fire.

She slowly leans closer. I hesitate but then copy. As soon as our lips touch, fireworks explode. The kiss is soft, also being the first kiss I've ever had from a girl. Nonetheless, it's the best kiss in the world. It feels as if the whole world melts away, and the only thing left is the girl in front of me. The girl who pretends as if she's all right, even when she's not. The girl who would do anything to help anyone.

At this moment, I realized that I had always liked her. From the moment we met, she was my exact opposite. She was perfect for me. She was there to put out my fires, to calm my anger. 

Slowly, Lihn pulled away. 

"I'm sorry! I don't know what came over me. I'm so sorry! I-"

"Hey. Why are you apologizing? I'm not mad. Not even close! If you didn't like that, we can forget all about it and-"

She was the one to cut me out this time, " No, I mean, I loved it and I'm assuming you did, too?" I nod my head, " Well then," She smiles coyly, " How bout we go on a date?"

"I'm listening," I say, wiggling my eyebrows.

Lihn taps her finger against her chin, " How about on Tuesday,(A/N It's a Sunday, BTW) right after school. I'll pick you up. Deal?"

"Deal!" I say, excitement growing in me, " But what would your brother think?" 

" To be honest, he doesn't care unless he knows that person can be trusted with his ' Baby Sister'," She thinks about that for a hot minute and then says," I take that back. He would never let me date Keefe."

At that, we both burst out laughing. 

Lihn's POV

I am so excited. At the beginning of this day, I was depressed and heartbroken, but now I had a date! It's funny how quickly things can change. 

I still can't believe that I am going to be dating a girl. Luckily, I got the best pick. Marella has always been there for me and she always knows when something's wrong. She may act like a girl who is all tough and doesn't really care about anything, but that's just a facade. She is so sweet and generous and for the people, she loves she would do anything to protect them.

" So... do you want to end practice now? I wanna show you a place I love," Marella says looking at me.

" Yes! Absolutely!" I say giddy with excitement. 

We pack up our stuff, and Marella takes out a light orangish/yellow crystal and we light leap to who knows where. Wait, actually, we light leap to Marella knows where. Much better!

" So, Ella, where are we going?" I say, teasing her.

Marella gives me the stink eye, but then softly says," You know, that's what my mom used to call me before... you know." She gives me a soft smile," It's nice to hear somebody say it again. But, you are the only one allowed to call me that, got it?" 

I laugh and nod. Suddenly, we stop in front of a bundle of trees. I start to ask where we are when Marella quickly grabs my hand and pulls me through the trees. I come out the other side spitting out leaves, and branches stuck in my hair. 

Marella, on the other hand, looks just as perfect as ever. One look at my face, and she's choking with laughter.

" MARELLA!!! It's not funny!" I say, but then I join in, because what can I say? Laughter is contagious! When we're done rolling with laughter, I finally look around.

We are on a cliff, but it's not just a normal cliff, there are trees with leaves every color of the rainbow. Flowers that lean toward the sun, and small streams of water. I walk toward the edge and look down. It looked like we were just above Eternalia. Now that I think about it, there is a mountain range near Eternalia! We must be on one of those mountains!

Marella joins me. We look below us. The view is actually kind of amazing! I can see the little people crossing streets and they look like ants from up here.

" You know, this is only part of what I wanted to show you," Marella says mysteriously.

" What do you mean?" I ask in confusion.

"Follow me," is all she says before starting to carefully slide down the cliff. I gently follow her. Soon we reach a little ledge where the waterfall cascades over the side of the mountain. It's actually really pretty, with all the colors of the setting sun glistening in the water.

Marella glances at me and I understand what she's saying. I carefully pull the water so it arcs over our heads. Behind the watery curtain is a tiny cave. Marella grabs my hand and pulls me in.

" Sooo... How do you like it??" She asks. I look at her in disbelief.

" I love it! Duhh!" I exclaim.

So that's where we stay the rest of the evening! Heads on each other's shoulders, looking out into the sunset.

Sooo!!! How did u guy like it??? I actually really enjoyed writing this 4 u guys!! Hopefully, you liked reading it!!!  People have been asking a lot about me doing a Marellihn chapter so here it is!!! I think I'm using too many exclamation marks. Whoops! Ugh, there I go again. Anyways, I have something important to say! WE REACHED 2.2K!!!!! I can not believe this! Ive only ever thought of this in my dreams ( which is probably what I should be doing now, dreaming) Also, please check out my  best friend's book! https://www.wattpad.com/1219840696-my-destiny-prologue It'll mean a lot to me!Thanks again!


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