Chapter 3

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Y/N's POV:

A/n: When something is underlined it is Reginald's thoughts.

After Five and I got tired of answering everyone's questions we decided we need to get some work done. The Apocalypse is coming and we need to put an end to it.

Five and I stand in front of our old bedrooms both kinda nervous to go in. These two rooms consisted of so many childhood memories that we can't help but smile when we think of them. But there were also the bad memories too. Like getting tested on every day.

"Okay, we have to get to work ASAP so let's change out of these clothes, go to the funeral, and then get to work," Five tells me.

I nod and we both walk into our rooms to change. When I open the door a bunch of memories comes flooding back to me. I look around the room to see everything is the same from when I left. My walls are still F/C, my bed is made, my desk still has my Algebra textbook open and my makeup desk is still in the same place.

I walk over to my wardrobe and open the doors to grab some clothes. As I expected, there was only my uniform and nightclothes. I sigh and take a pair of my uniform out of the drawer. For some dumb reason, Dad always made us wear layers of clothes so it was a process to put them on. I grab a white button-up shirt and put it on along with my tie. I then take out the plaid dress and put it over my white shirt and tie. I decided not to wear my blazer for now. I'm surprised these uniforms still fit me. Last time I wore them I was 13. I guess I didn't grow much in the apocalypse.

I take my rings that no longer fit on my finger and walk over to my vanity. I look through the drawers and try to find a necklace. After looking around for a few minutes I find the one I was looking for. It was a necklace Five had given me for our 12th birthday one year. It had an hourglass and a brain charm on it. I used to wear it all the time except for when we went on missions. Dad made us take off all jewelry when we were training or on missions.

I slip the rings onto the necklace and hold it in my hand. I was about to walk downstairs to go meet up with Five, but before I can I hear a familiar whoosh behind me. I turn around to see Five sitting on my bed. I smile and walk towards him.

"I hate these uniforms. I can't wait to get different clothes," I say as I sit next to him.

"Really? I like how yours looks on you. Especially the dress," Five says as he looks me up and down.

"I guess I like the schoolboy shorts on you," I say with a little laugh.

"I'm surprised they still fit us. I would think they would be too small," Five says.

"I don't think we grew much height-wise."

I hold up the necklace with my rings on it and show it to Five. He smiles and takes it. I turn around and lift up my hair. He wraps the necklace around my neck and clips it together.

"Where is yours?" I ask him as I tuck the necklace under my dress.

He pulls his necklace out from under his sweater vest that has his wedding ring on it. His was on the chain I got him as a late birthday gift when we were 12. It was just a plain gold chain but Five always loved it. I smile and he tucks it back under his shirt.

I take Five's hand and he blinks us downstairs. I look around and see the same old furniture we have always had. I also see a painting of 13 year old Five and I above the fireplace. In the painting, I was sitting in a chair and Five was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulder.

"Nice to know Dad didn't forget us," Five says.

I turn around and see he is talking to Vanya.

"We read your book, by the way. Found it in a library that was still standing. Thought it was pretty good, all things considered."

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