Why Vanya stopped talking to Y/n.

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Hi! It's been a hot minute lol. So there are two questions I get asked a lot when it comes to The Time Traveler's Wife series.

1. Why can't Five Hargreeves be real?

I wish I had an answer for that, but I don't. Don't worry, I wish he was real too lol. We can all just dream...

2. Why did Vanya stop talking to Y/n?

So a long time ago I promised to write a chapter on why Vanya stopped talking to Y/n. Well, here it is! I apologize for it taking this long, I kinda forget that I was supposed to write this lol. There are going to be three POVs in this chapter. One being Vanya's, one being Y/n's , and the last one being Reginald's. Also, in case you don't remember, Y/n and Vanya were 8 years old when all this happened. Alrighty, let's get this started.

Vanya's POV:

I stand next to Dad as I watch all my siblings complete their training before we go to bed. I write down everyone's name in the notebook Dad gave me as they stop running and stand in front of us.

"Number Seven. Read off who came in first to who came in last." Dad tells me.

"Luth-," I began to say, but dad interrupts me.

"Number Seven," Dad warns. I roll my eyes as I look down at the notebook.

"Number one came in first followed by Number two, then Number Eight, then Number Five-."

"HA! I beat you once again. That's like what? The 3rd time," Y/n cheers.

"That's not fair! You cheated! You rebooted me," Five says.

"That's not true! I adapted. Right Dad," Y/n asks as she turns to Dad.

"Number Eight, do not interrupt again or no free time for you on Saturday," Dad says.

Y/n rolls her eyes as Dad gives me a nod telling me to go on.

"Number Five was followed by Number Three, then Number Six, and finally, Number Four."

"Number Three, Number Six, Number Four, tomorrow morning you three will be running laps again. I can not have you falling behind! Understand," Dad asks.

"Yes sir," all three of them say.

We then hear the training room door open. We all turn around to see Mom standing by the door with her usual smile.

"Come on kids! It's time for bed."

We all nod our heads as Dad turns towards us.

"You are dismissed. I expect you all in bed in 20 minutes."

We all nod our heads as we exit the training room. As I was walking down the hallway I hear my name being called.

"Vanya! Vanya, wait for us!"

I stop walking as Five and Y/n run towards me. When Y/n reaches me she wraps one arm around my shoulder and the other around Five's. I smile as we walk towards the staircase that leads up to our rooms.

"So, you know that ugly painting that was hanging in the hallway that leads to one of the master bedrooms. The one that went missing," Y/n asks.

"Yeah...," I say in a suspicious voice.

"That thing always scared me. Especially at night. I swear I have seen its eyes move once or twice," Five says.

Y/n smacks the back of Five's head and he winces in pain.

"It's a picture, you idiot. Its eyes can't move. Anyways... I may or may not know what happened to it."

"What?! What happened to it," I ask.

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