Chapter 6

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A/N: We gonna pretend makeup doesn't expire just for the sake of this chapter. Okay? Okay. 😂

I walk into my room and go over to my drawers. I grab a pair of my uniform and put it on. I am hoping I can get some new clothes today. When I am done changing and brushing my teeth I decided to do my makeup. I haven't done makeup in a while so I figured, why not.

I walk over to my vanity and sit on the stool. I decided to do something simple so I don't keep Five waiting. I open my drawer and take out some foundation. I put it on a beauty sponge and began putting it on my face. When I am done with the foundation I put on some concealer hoping to cover the bags under my eyes. For the most part, it worked. As I was putting on some mascara Five blinked into my room scaring me, causing me to mess up.

"Seriously? You could have just knocked."

"And why would I do that?"Five asks as he sits on my bed.

"What if I was changing? Or had no clothes on?"

"Oh don't act like I haven't seen you naked before. I have seen you naked plenty of times," Five says with a smirk. My face turns red and I grab a makeup wipe to fix my mascara.

"Where is Klaus?" I ask as I finish my makeup.

"Changing into one of dad's old suits. He has to look professional."

"So what's the plan?"

"I went to Meritech this morning and brought the eye. They told me they couldn't give me any info about it without the person's consent. So I hope that if Klaus comes with us and acts like my Dad they can give us the information we need. Oh yeah and the doctor called me young man so I threatened to throw his head into a wall."

"Honestly,"  I began saying as I turn around to face Five, "I would have done the same thing. Question, which color?"

I hold up two nude-colored lipglosses and show them to Five. They looked a little similar but one was darker.

"They look the same," Five says as he takes them from my hand to look at them, "But if I had to choose, I like the darker one on you."

I smile and turn to my makeup desk and start to put the lipglosses on. Five walks up to me and puts his hands on my shoulders. He leans down and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

"You know you don't need that makeup. Right?"

"Yeah well, I haven't worn it in 45 years so I wanna try and look decent."

Five lets out a little chuckle. When I am done I grab my bag and sling it over my shoulder. I decided that if we are going to stop the apocalypse we are probably going to get hurt somehow. So I packed a bag with medical supplies and some snacks in case we get hungry or we need fuel. Just like Five, I need to eat something to use my powers so I don't get tired out easily. I will usually drink Iced coffee or eat a candy bar.

When we get downstairs we meet up with Klaus, call a taxi, and drive to Meritech. When we arrive we walk into the building and go to the elevator. Five presses the button for the highest floor and we wait. A few seconds later the door opens and we get out of the elevator. Five points to the guy who I assume he was talking to earlier. We walk over to his office and go inside.

  ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡ ☂ ♡

Five has been trying to get the information out of the guy but he won't give it to us. Klaus hasn't really done anything but just sit here. I am starting to think we didn't even need to bring him along.

"Like I said earlier, any information about the prosthetics we build is strictly confidential. Without the client's consent, I simply can't help you," The doctor says.

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