Chapter 17

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2 hours later:

I walk back up to Five's room with a bowl of soup. I haven't had dinner so I was pretty hungry. It was also now 10:00 at night so I was in my Pajamas. I have been by Five's side all day making sure he was okay. He hasn't woken up yet but Mom said it was from the medicine she have gave him. I open the door to Five's room to see him sitting on his bed. He was awake.

"I thought you left me," Five says with a smirk.

I close the door, lay the soup down on his desk, and walk over to him. Five looks at me with a smile. I just stand there starring at him.

"What?" Five asks as his smile turns into a frown.

Then, I did something I never in my life thought I would do. I smacked the shit out of him.

"OW! WHAT THE HELL Y/N," Five yells.

He holds onto his cheek as he looks at me. I pick up a pillow that was on his bed and start hitting him with it.

"YOU. ASSHOLE. FIVE," I yell in between each hit. I felt tears coming down my face.

"I'm sorry Y/n," Five says.

I set the pillow down and sit in the chair next to Five. He takes my hand and wipes my tears away with his other one.

"I thought I lost you Five. I thought you were going to die. You told me you were fine," I say in between sobs.

"I didn't want to worry you," Five says looking down.

"I don't care if you worry me! If you get hurt you need to tell me. Imagine if I lost you! I would have to fight this thing by myself. I can't do that," I say.

"I know. It was selfish of me. I am so sorry Y/n. I really am. I thought I would be okay. I honestly didn't know it was that bad."

"But I told you you should have stayed home. Mom could have taken care of it sooner and it wouldn't have gotten that bad."

"Like I said, I didn't want to worry you. And we were so close to finding that Harold dude. I didn't want to get in the way of that. I am really, really, really sorry Y/n."

I sigh and look at Five. He scoots over and holds his arms out. I get in the bed with him and sit in between his legs. I lay my head on Five's chest and he wraps his arms around me. I make sure not to lay on his wound. I look up at Five and he gives me a smile.

"You're lucky I love you," I say.

"I'm surprised you still do," Five says with a laugh. He bends down and gives me a kiss.

"Me too," I say. He looks down at the pajamas I changed him into.

"Were you the one who changed me into these?" Five asks.

"Yeah. I know you wouldn't want Mom to do it so I did."

"Thanks," Five says with a smile.

"We're matching," I say as I look down at my pajamas.

Five lets out a small smile. I grab the soup from his desk and give him some. When we are done sharing the soup we sit in silence while Five plays with my hair.

"Hey, you never told me, how did you get the grenades?" Five asks.

"Before we left The Handler's office I rebooted you, her, and Dot and quickly grabbed the grenades. I was gonna keep them but I let us use them instead."

"You were seriously going to keep them?"

"Yeah. I figured Klaus and I could blow them up in that pond behind the house. But, I like how we used them to blow The Commisson up instead." I say.

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