Chapter 4

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17 years ago:


Five and I were sitting in my room playing truth or dare before dinner. We were supposed to be doing our schoolwork in separate rooms but we got bored.

"Okay, Truth or Dare?" I ask.


"What is one thing that you have always wanted to do?" I ask.

Five thinks about this for a minute.

"Time Travel. I want to try it but Dad won't let me. I have been practicing my spatial jumps and I think I am ready but he disagrees," Five says.

"Well, if you do ever time travel take me with you so I can get out of this place," I say.

"I shall take us to historical events and we can explore the world!"

I laugh as we get back to the game.

"Okay, your turn... truth or dare?" Five asks.

"Truth. I'm going to play safe for now."


"Hey! You just chose truth don't tell me I am lame!"

"I chose it because I have been choosing dare the whole game," Five says as he takes a bite of his donut.

I dared him earlier to blink to Griddy's and steal us some donuts before dinner. He holds his chocolate donut out for me and I take a bite of it.

"Good right?" He asks. I nod my head and he smiles.

"Ok...ask me a question or something," I say as I take a sip of my coffee that Five also got me.

"Okay, is it true that you have a crush?"

I turn red and look at Five.

"Umm yeah..."

"Who is it?! Is it Klaus? Is it Ben?" Five asks.

"WHAT?! NO! Gross! It would be weird if I liked them. I can only see them as my brothers," I say.

"True, that would be weird," Five says.

"Okay truth or dare?" I ask.

"Dare," Five says with a smirk.

"Damn it I wanted you to choose truth!"

"Okay then truth," Five says.

"Is it true that you have a crush?" I ask.

"Yeah I do," Five says looking down with a smile. I felt my heart drop.

"Oh...who is it? Is it Vanya? What about Allison? She is really pretty, but Luther would beat your ass if you tried to make a move on her," I say.

"No, it's not them."

"Well who is it?"

Five takes a deep breath and was about to tell me when the dinner bell rang. I get up and start to walk out the door but Five grabs my hand.

"Wait," Five says.

He gets up and walks towards me. He comes so close to my face I could feel his breath. I was holding my breath wondering what was happening. We have never been this close to each other before. We were almost nose to nose. Five was starting to lean in but the bell rings again and he stops.


He clears his throat.

"Uhh you have chocolate on your cheek."

I touch my cheek but I don't feel any chocolate.


"Oh um right here."

The Time Traveler's Wife (Book 1) Five x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now