Chapter 8

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Next Morning:

Y/N's POV:

Five and I decided we want to go back to Meritech. We both agreed that there was something suspicious about that doctor. So what better way to find out if we are right than to stalk him all day? We decided to leave early in the morning and go out of the fire escape that is connected to our rooms so nobody would ask questions.

"Are you sure you wanna come with? I mean I am just going to be sitting outside the building all day. It will be pretty boring," Five says as he puts on his blazer.

"I'm sure Five. I wanna come with you. We are stopping this thing together," I say as I get out of bed.

I walk over to the duffle bag that we took from the department store and grab some clothes. Honestly, I don't know what I grabbed. I just chose some things and stuffed them in the bag. I pull out a black turtle neck and some jeans that had holes in them. I liked the jeans but not the shirt. I would prefer overalls or a blouse. Maybe even a dress.

I change and brush my hair while Five is downstairs doing something. I didn't even bother asking what he was going to do. A few minutes later he comes back upstairs.

"Damn, you look good," Five says with a wink.

He comes up behind me and puts his arms around my waist and lays his chin on my shoulder.

"Not really my style. I like the jeans but not the shirt. But it is better than that stupid uniform," I say as I look in the mirror.

"Well I think you look nice," Five says.

He puts Delores in the duffle bag and puts it on his back. I smile and walk over to my table and grab my bag. I need to grab some more medical supplies while we are out today. I open my window and we climb down the fire escape ladder.

"Damn it, where's Dad's stuff?!"

I look down to see Klaus digging in the trashcan looking for something. He is probably trying to find something to pawn so he can get money for drugs.

"Shut up," he yells.

I look around and see no one else is there. He is probably high or is hearing voices again.

"I'm trying to find whatever...priceless crap was in that priceless box so that Pogo will get off my ass!"

Five and I continue to climb down the ladder while staring at Klaus.

"I'd ask what you're up to, Klaus, but then it occurred to me... I don't care," Five says as he steps off the ladder.

He holds out his hand and I take it. Five helps me down the last step as Klaus continues to talk to someone.

"Who are you talking to?" I ask Klaus.

"Ben," he says.

I stop walking.

"Ben?" I ask.

"Yeah. He's sitting right up there."

Klaus points to some steps on the fire escape.

"He says hi."

I look at Klaus and then back at the steps he pointed to. I can see from the corner of my eye Five talking to Klaus. I think for a minute and smile. I look up at where Klaus pointed to and search for someone's thoughts. Specifically, Ben's thoughts. I doubt this would work but it's worth a try.

'Hey Y/N/N,' I hear a voice say in my head.

My eyes widen as I smile.

"Ben?" I ask just to make sure.

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