Chapter 10

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A/N: Y/F/P= Your Favorite Place. Also the underlined part is when Delores is talking.

45 years ago (in Five and Y/N's time) The day Five and Y/N got stuck in the apocalypse:


Five and I have been here for a few hours now. We have come to the conclusion that an apocalypse happened and that we are the only ones alive. I knew this was true because the only people's thoughts I could hear were mine and Five's. We also found our siblings. They were all grown up but they were also dead. I ended up crying for 2 hours.

Five found a fake eye in Luther's hand. We think they were fighting whoever or whatever caused the end of the world. We also found the date it happens. April 1, 2019. We have been trying all day to get back to our family but nothing has worked. I have a feeling we will be here for a while. Five ended up finding a mattress that we could sleep on. I also ended up finding us some canned food, blankets, and a building that we could sleep in. It was small and a little bit destroyed, mainly broken windows and the ceiling was cracked a bit, but we have to work with what we got.

It was now night time and Five was struggling to build a fire for us. I was sitting on the mattress he got us trying to think of any way to get us home. Finally, Five gets the fire started. He comes over and sits down next to me. He sees that I am upset and takes his hands in mine.

"Hey... I will get us home. I promise you. I'm so sorry I brought you into this mess," he says.

"No Five, I'm glad you brought me. I mean yeah I'm upset because we found our sibling's dead bodies and we are stuck here but, imagine if I didn't come. You would be here all by yourself. I couldn't imagine that," I say looking at him.

"I'm glad you're the one who got stuck with me. I couldn't imagine being stuck here with anyone but you," Five says with a small smile.

I smile back and put my other hand over his.

"You know," I began to say as I sit crisscrossed and turn my body to face him on the mattress.

He does the same, still holding my hand.

"You never told me earlier who you have a crush on."

Five's face immediately turns red as he looks down.

"Is Five Hargreeves blushing?" I ask with a little laugh.

"No," he mumbles, still looking down.

"Well, who is it. Or should I say who was it?" I ask.

"I don't wanna say," he tells me.

"Why not? You have nothing to lose," I say.

I put my finger under his chin and lift his face up.

"I- I don't know Y/N," he says.

"Come on. Please? We are supposed to be best friends and tell each other everything."

"Yeah well if I tell you it could ruin our friendship."

"Wha-," I let out a gasp, "is it that girl who I have always hated and she lived across the street? I always saw her staring at you but I never thought she was your typ-," but before I could finish I felt Five's lips on mine.

I widen my eyes in shock but then close them enjoying the moment. I wrap my arms around Five's neck and he pulls me onto his lap. Five moves his lips against mine and puts his hands behind my head. I could feel Five playing a bit with my hair. After a few more seconds we pull away.

"So who is it?" I ask with a smile.

Five gives me a "really?" look and I let out a little laugh.

"I'm just kidding. If that is your way of telling me you like me then I have good news. I like you too," I say.

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