Chapter 9

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The next morning:


Surprisingly, I woke up before Five. I look over at the clock on the nightstand next to the bed we were sleeping in. It's 9:30. I smile as I look at Five sleeping. I can tell he was tired so I decided to let him sleep. Meritech didn't open till 11:00 and Lance didn't have to be there till 12:00. When I read his find the other day I found out he arrives at work around that time.

I decide to take a quick shower and then go do some laundry. When I was done with my shower I grab the other outfit I got from the department store and change into it. It was a plaid black and red overdress and a white shirt. Honestly, I really liked it. I put on the white shirt and then put the dress over it and walk out of the bathroom. I grab Five's uniform except for his pants, because he was sleeping in them, and pick up the clothes I wore yesterday. I saw a laundromat a few blocks down the street yesterday. I put the shirt Five let me wear to sleep, on the spare bed and write a note for him in case he woke up. I also shove our clothes in my bag.

I walk to the elevator and click the first-floor button. When I reach the bottom floor I walk out of the big lobby and into the streets. I walk for about 10 minutes until I get to the laundromat. It wasn't busy at all, there was just one lady working.

"Good morning," the lady says with a smile.

"Hello," I say as I walk over to the coin machine.

I put a 5 dollar bill in the machine and it gives me $5 worth of coins in return.

"Shit," I mumble as I look in my bag. I didn't have any detergent.

"Do you all sell detergent here?" I ask the lady.

"We do," she says with a smile.

She hands me a small bottle and I pay her for it. I put the clothes in one of the washers and put it on quick wash. It will probably take 30 minutes for them to wash so I decided to go take a walk.

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After walking for about 30 minutes I go back to the laundromat to switch our clothes to the dryer. Thankfully, they were done when I got there. I switch them to the dryer and put them on quick dry. I look at the clock on the wall. It was now 10:30.

I walk back outside and see a small convenience store across the street. I go to the store and look around. It wasn't that busy. There were only two people and the cashier. The cashier looked around 17. I walked over to the health care section and got a few things. I grab two toothbrushes for Five and I and some toothpaste because ours are at the academy. I also grab two hairbrushes and some hair ties. I go over to the drink section and grab myself an iced coffee. I walk to the cash register and put everything on the counter. The boy just stared at me the whole time while he scanned my items.

"Will that be all for you?" he asks with a smile.

I nod my head.


I dig through my bag and hand him $12.

"You know you are kinda cute," he says as he gives me my change.

Before I could say anything I see a familiar flash of blue light next to me. It was Five.

"She has a boyfriend. Actually, she has a husband," Five says with a sarcastic smile.

He only had on his pants and the white button-up shirt that I left him. The cashier starts stuttering wondering how Five just magically appeared next to me. I grab my stuff while Five takes my hand and drags me outside.

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