Not leaving in a Body bag

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I didn't have a phone down here, but what I did have was Crystal.

"Crystal, I know Mallory, do you have your phone?"

"No, you have to stop this....Please im pregnant. "


I dont think father's ever killed a pregnant woman before....I had to do something... I don't want her name on my wall.

Im not smart. I don't know what to do.

I stared at the hole in the wall.... Maybe she could squeeze through.

"See that hole? Go through it and tell no one you came...understand?"

Crystal nodded and left. I took one of the knifes once she left....this is going to hurt.

I sliced open my wrist and cut my stomach four times and scratched my face with my nails.

I was about to hurt. I sat on the floor and threw the knife near the hole and screamed.

With that, father and Sonny ran downstairs and saw a bloody version of me.

I was pretending to shake as I cried, "S-she took one of the knifes and tried to stab me....then ran out." Father looked and me and didn't seem  angry, he just wiped the blood off my wrists with his sleeve and stood up.

"Sonny go take care of Ellie, im going after that girl"

Its like father didn't even care.

Sonny carried me upstairs and cleaned off all the blood. This time I was really crying. What crap have I gotten myself into? It came to the point where I had to hurt myself so I can save others? I sighed. Im confused.

I cried as Sonny just hugged me until I calmed myself down.

I shook my least I could look at the positive side...

At least she's not leaving in a body bag.




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