Thanks For Being My Big Brother

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I ran into my room crying. Me being bullied by Essa has gone far enough. Its been a few days since I met Essa and she is terrible to me. All she does is pick on me and hurt me. Well this is the last time Essa slapped me.

Im running away.

I threw A bunch of crap in my backpack and called Mallory.

"Hey Ellie, you want me to meet you tonight?"

"No Mallory, I want to run away right now. "

I heard her gasp.

"Im coming with you! Meet me by my house in a couple of minutes."

I hung up. I was so happy that she wanted to come. So I wouldn't be alone and afraid. I walked out the door with my backpack and my cellphone in my hands.

I forgot I told Sonny I had a cellphone, so he can call me on the house phone.


I felt to see if I had my knife in my pocket. I did. As I went up to Mallory's house she was on the porch with her stuff. Mallory smiled and jumped up. "Let's go!"


We walked down the road. It was total silence.

"So what did you bring with you?" Mallory asked.

"My phone, the charger, battery's, cloths, water, my journal, and one hundred dollars, how about you?"

"Pretty much sums up what I brung. Except I brought forty dollars."

I nodded my head as my phone kept on vibrating. I felt bad for Sonny. I should of told him until it hit me. Without me Sonny would go crazy.

I took out my phone and I was surprised what time it was. It was midnight. We made it pretty far.... until now.

We both looked at a dark blue car slow down where we were.

The window rolled down, it was Crystal.

"Mallory! Oh my gosh thank God. Get in the damn car!"

Mallory looked back at me.

"Well....can you give Ellie a ride?"

Crystal looked at me and gave me a look.

"I am not driving her anywhere. She has a psycho father and she is crazy. Her life is a freakshow Mallory, get over her. She's just like a pile of crap."

Mallory got in the car as they both drove off.

I was alone now. I also felt hot tears coming. I pulled out my phone and called Sonny. He answered right away.

"Ellie, Oh my gosh where are you?"

"Sonny, I- I dont know exactly were I am but....uhm.. "

My voice was shaky.

"Hey Ellie, I'll find you....are you okay?"

I didnt want to answer that.

"Just, please pick me up im about a couple of miles away near the gas station."

I hung up.


A couple of Of minutes went by and Sonny pulled up as opened the car door for me.

We drove in silence of a few minutes. We weren't going home. Not yet....he was just driving around.

"So Uh...I see your upset, why did you Uh...."

I shook my head. "I don't know Sonny I'm an idiot and.... and...I've never had this problem before."

Sonny nodded.

"Your growing up. You understand killing is wrong and im proud of you,don't you understand Ellie? You were raised to do this and you grew out of it! That's smart. I grew out of it too, so what if you ran away. I tried to commit suicide and you stopped me! Your my little sister and I need to protect you. So as long as your still breathing, I'll always be right next to you."

I looked at Sonny and then looked down.

"I'll always protect you too..."

"Thanks for saving my life, twice." Sonny smiled.

"Thanks for picking me up and being my big brother"

Sonny smiled again.

"I love you Ellie, I've been saying that a lot now... "

I nodded.

"I love you too..."




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